Verse and Voice 04/13/23

April 13, 2023

Verse of the day

Greet one another with a holy kiss. All the saints greet you.
2 Corinthians 13:12

Voice of the day

It simply isn’t enough for us to pass the peace for a few minutes on Sundays; we must learn to speak peace into each other’s lives during fellowship time and in the parking lot, through email and text on Wednesdays, over coffee and boxes of Kleenex on Fridays. We must speak peace at the beginning and middle of our lives—but also at the end.

Sarah Kyoungah White, “Insa: How the Korean Word for “Greeting” Can Change How We Pass the Peace”

Prayer of the day

Broaden our vision of what it means to be peacemakers Lord. May convenience not dictate investment to our community.