Matthew Hildreth, who grew up on a small farm in eastern South Dakota, is the executive director of

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Video: Dr. Sharon Watkins' Sermon at the National Prayer Service

by Matthew Hildreth 01-22-2009

090121-sharon-watkinsDisciples of Christ General Minister and President (and Sojourners Board member) Rev. Dr. Sharon E. Watkins delivered this sermon, "Harmonies of Liberty," during the National Prayer Service in Washington, D.C.

Video: Indigenous Theologians Discuss Christianity and Culture

by Matthew Hildreth 12-02-2008

As we reflect on the history, meaning, and mythologies surrounding the season of Thanksgiving, indigenous theologians Richard Twiss, Raymond Aldred, and Terry LeBlanc offer their perspectives on the interaction between Christian faith and Native American identity, and how religions, culture, and the Gospel interact.

Win a Trip to Africa in the Sojourners and World Vision Filmmaker Challenge

by Matthew Hildreth 11-25-2008

Sojourners and World Vision need your help to promote the Mobilization to End Poverty, the event this spring where thousands of Christians will come together to call on President Obama and the new Congress to pass historic anti-poverty legislation.

Video: Flobots on Faith - The 'Rise' of New Music for New Movements

by Matthew Hildreth 10-02-2008

FlobotsFlobots are a Denver-based, hip-hop/rock alternative group, whose powerful activist lyrics explore issues from globalization and poverty to war and peace. Their influences include civil rights activist (and Sojourners contributing editor) Vincent Harding, who has a cameo in their newest music video...