Posts By This Author

AUDIO: Evangelicals for Peace

by The Editors 01-09-2013

Take heart! A new generation of evangelicals for peace is on the rise.

VIDEO: The Spiritual Practice of Bread-Making

by The Editors 01-08-2013
Spiritual growth through bread-making

Spiritual growth through bread-making

VIDEO: Editor vs. Stink Bugs

by The Editors 12-05-2012

Watch what happens when stink bugs invade the Sojourners editorial retreat.

Four Reasons to Rethink the Death Penalty

by The Editors 11-27-2012
Sidebar to "Gandalf, Gollum, and the Death Penalty"

(donskarpo / Shutterstock)

Sidebar to "Gandalf, Gollum, and the Death Penalty"

VIDEOS: Caroline Herring

by The Editors 11-06-2012

"The social justice singer-songwriter of her generation."

Photo of the Month: Room at the Inn?

by The Editors 11-05-2012
December 2012 photo of the month

December 2012 photo of the month

Behold, the Rachel

by The Editors 10-10-2012

Rachel Held Evans, in both her guises (photos courtesy of Dan Evans)

An extended interview on biblical womanhood with Rachel Held Evans.


2012 Election Guide: Why Voting Matters

by The Editors 10-10-2012
Vote your conscience with Sojourners’ 2012 election guide

Vote your conscience with Sojourners’ 2012 election guide

REPORT : 'A Window of Hope'

by The Editors 10-10-2012

An opportunity for gang peace in El Salvador


by The Editors 07-01-2012

Our June 2012 issue described Rebecca Barrett-Fox, interviewed in “The Face of Hate,” as a former editor of The Journal of Hate Studies; in fact, she is its book review editor, while interviewer Joanie Eppinga is its former editor and current assistant editor. We regret the error.

We're Watching You...

by The Editors 07-01-2012

Sidebar to "Mission Creep"

From the Editors

by The Editors 12-01-2011

Even while Occupy Wall Street and the worldwide movement it has helped ignite captured the public’s attention this fall, some observers claimed not to understand what the protests were all about.


by The Editors 12-01-2011

Father Jacek Orzechowski’s name was misspelled in our November 2011 issue. We apologize for the error.

From the Editors

by The Editors 09-01-2011

Loving our neighbors is usually easier in the abstract. The members of Heartsong Church, just outside of Memphis, Tennessee, made that love very real last year in a concrete act of welcome. An Islamic faith community was moving in nearby, and their new center wasn’t going to be ready in time for Ramadan. So the members of Heartsong, in a simple act of Christian hospitality, invited their neighbors to use the church building during the Muslim holy month.

From the Editors

by The Editors 08-01-2011

Mohandas Gandhi was keenly aware of the root causes of hunger, and he knew that the problem was not a lack of resources on God’s good earth.

From the Editors

by The Editors 07-01-2011

Using online and wireless communication to organize large, diverse groups of people has been a key component of the nonviolent Arab Spring uprisings.

From the Editors

by The Editors 06-03-2011

Every gun that is made is, in the final sense, a theft from those who hunger and are not fed.

Resources on Christian and Nuclear Weapons

by The Editors 05-01-2010

David Cortright writes in his article in th

A Daniel Berrigan Reading List

by The Editors 03-01-2010
Sojourners / Bob Fitch

Photo via Sojourners / Bob Fitch

Here is a list of books written by and about Daniel Berrigan. This list is by no means exhaustive.

Indigenous theologians discuss embracing their culture

by The Editors 06-01-2009

Indigenous theologians Richard Twiss, Terry LeBlanc, and Raymond Aldred discuss the importance of reviving Native American theology as a way of reclaiming culture.