Duane Shank was Associate Editor for Sojourners magazine and was on the staff from 1995 to 2014. 

Duane has been active as an organizer and administrator in the peace and justice movement for 35 years, beginning as a draft resistance and antiwar organizer during the Vietnam war. He has worked as a community organizer in the rural south, in interfaith coalitions, and in the nuclear weapons freeze and Central America solidarity movements of the 1980s. His positions have included Associate for the National Inter-religious Service Board for Conscientious Objectors; National Coordinator for the Committee Against Registration and the Draft; Deputy Director and Acting Executive Director for SANE/Freeze; and Research Fellow for the Institute for Policy Studies.

Duane attended Eastern Mennonite University. He is a Anabaptist/Mennonite, and currently an active member and serves on the worship leadership team of the Community of Christ ecumenical congregation in the Mt. Pleasant neighborhood of Washington, D.C. His views on faith and politics have been shaped by (among others), John Howard Yoder, Abraham Joshua Heschel, Martin Luther King, Jr., Dietrich Bonhoeffer, and Oscar Romero.

Duane is married to Ellen Kennel. They have a daughter, Celeste, a graduate of Goshen College, IN, the Medill School of Journalism at Northwestern University, and the University of Chicago Divinity School.

In addition to family, church, and work; his passions are baseball (Washington Nationals), blues (Buddy Guy and Stevie Ray Vaughan) and bluegrass music (Ralph Stanley), and barbecue.


Posts By This Author

Daily News Digest

by Duane Shank 03-17-2008

the latest news on Economy, Homeless in New Orleans, Campaign, Immigration, Warrantless surveillance, Iraq, NATO, Tibet, Darfur, North Korea, Iran, Beliefs, and Opinion.

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Economy. Fed Acts to Rescue Financial Markets "Hoping to avoid a systemic meltdown in financial markets, the Federal Reserve approved a $30 billion credit line to engineer the takeover of Bear Stearns and announced an open-ended lending program for the biggest investment firms on Wall Street."

Homeless in New Orleans.

Daily News Digest

by Duane Shank 03-14-2008

The latest news on Budget, Surveillance, Iraq public opinion, Catholics, Lutherans, Education, Immigration, Religious right, Courts, Tibet, Israel-Gaza, Iraq, Kenya, Iran, Feature on global poverty, and Opinion.

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Budget. Congress endorses budget plans to allow tax hikes The Senate rejected the idea of renewing many of President Bush's tax cuts as all three major presidential candidates interrupted their campaigns to cast their votes. With ...

Daily News Digest

by Duane Shank 03-13-2008

The latest news on Gov. Paterson, Presidential campaign, Faith-based initiative Christians in Iraq, Religious Right, Israel-Gaza, Tibet, Colombia, Darfur, Iraq, West Africa, Kenya, Feature on global poverty, Editorial, and Opinion.

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Gov. Paterson. Spitzer's Successor Has Few Enemies "Replacing Eliot L. Spitzer, who rose to the governorship of New York after browbeating Wall Street titans, is David A. Paterson, a man so affable that the colleague he supplanted in an Albany coup now speaks of him in glowing terms." After Spitzer: ...

Daily News Digest

by Duane Shank 03-12-2008

The latest news on Governor resigns, Military commander resigns, President defends wars, Presidential campaign, Waterboarding veto upheld, Farm bill, Gaza, Iran, Iraq, North Korea, Sudan, and Features.

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Governor resigns. SPITZER RESIGNS "Gov. Eliot Spitzer, reeling from revelations that he had been a client of a prostitution ring, announced his resignation today, becoming the first governor of New York to be forced from office in nearly a century." Eliot Spitzer resigns "New York Gov. Eliot Spitzer ...

Daily News Digest

by Duane Shank 03-11-2008

The latest news on Immigration, Economy, Campaign, Scandal, "New sins," Women leaders, Iraq deaths, Cost of war, Afghanistan, Israel-Palestine, Kenya, Iran, and Opinion.

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Immigration. GOP aims to force immigration debate "House Republican leaders will introduce a petition drive today to force Democrats to debate immigration this year, using a Democrat-sponsored bill to box them into taking a stand on employers who hire illegal immigrants."


Daily News Digest

by Duane Shank 03-10-2008

That latest news on
Waterboarding veto, Economy, Medicaid, Intelligence report, Immigration, Congressional election, Climate change, Black-owned farms, Us-Iraq, Pakistan, Israel-Palestine, Andes, Kosovo women, Darfur, Editorial, and selected Commentary.

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Waterboarding veto. Bush vetoes interrogation limits "USPresident George Bush says he has vetoed legislation that would stop the CIA using interrogation methods such as simulated drowning or "water-boarding". Bush's Veto of Bill on C.I.A. ...

Daily News Digest

by Duane Shank 03-06-2008

The lastest news on Iraq, Republican campaign, Democratic campaign, Mental health parity, Budget, Immigration, Jobs for single Moms, Iraq, Israel-Palestine, Andes, Kenya, Iran, and Rehabilitating Luther.

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Republican campaign. It's Official: Party and President Back McCain "Senator John McCain of Arizona was greeted as the new standard-bearer of a Republican Party he has sometimes battled, winning the endorsement of a president he has feuded with in the past and the embrace - and financial help - of the Republican National C ...

Daily News Digest

by Duane Shank 03-05-2008

the latest news on Republican Primaries, Democratic primaries, Immigration, Budget, Housing crisis, Marriage, Andes, Israel-Palestine, Kenya, Iran, Church-state in Spain, Interview, Editorial and Opinion.

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Republican primaries. McCain faces divided party "Sen. John McCain, having survived the Republican primaries, now needs to bind a fractured Republican Party as he looks to the presidential election this fall." McCain Clinches GOP Presidential Nomination ...

Daily News Digest

by Duane Shank 03-04-2008

the latest news on Presidential primaries, Federal budget, Veterans, Sentence reductions, Education, NAFTA, Evangelicals in Canada, Iran, Iraq, Gaza, Somalia and Andean crisis.

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P>Presidential primaries. Obama, Clinton In Key Face-Off "Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton vowed to press on in her bid for the Democratic presidential nomination after critical primary tests in Ohio and Texas on Tuesday, even as advisers to Sen. Barack Obama said the latest round of voting would do little to improve her standing."

Daily News Digest

by Duane Shank 03-03-2008

Presidential primaries, Credit crisis, A new Religious Right? Green for Lent, UK child poverty, Andean crisis, Somalia, Russian election, Israel-Palestine, Iraq-US troops, Iran-Iraq, Iran-nuclear, Darfur, and Opinion.

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Presidential primaries. Clinton and Obama swing the spotlight to Ohio "With less than two days to go before Tuesday's crucial primary elections, Democratic presidential contenders Hillary Rodham Clinton and Barack Obama barnstormed across Ohio on Sunday,"

Daily News Digest

by Duane Shank 02-29-2008

The latest news on Presidential Campaign, Americans in prison, Housing relief blocked health & poverty, US military, Immigration, Payday lending, Seed vault, Afghanistan, Kenya, Turkey-Iraq, Israel-Gaza, Iraq, Iran, Lebanon, Pakistan, Editorial, Opinion and Passings.

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Presidential campaign. Race watched round the world "From Russia to Italy, from Kenya to India, the U.S. presidential campaign has not only captivated a global audience, it is reshaping the image of America."

Americans in prison.

Daily News Digest

by Duane Shank 02-28-2008

The latest news on AIDS funding, Presidential primaries, Senate-Iraq, Cost of war, Black America's goals, Slavery apology, Border fence, School prayers, Kenya, Iraq, Darfur, Israel-Gaza, Turkey-Iraq, Iran, India, North Korea, Op-Eds, and Passings.

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AIDS funding. Pact Would Give Global AIDS Fight Triple the Money "House leaders from both parties and the White House reached agreement on a bill that would more than triple funding for the Bush administration's global AIDS program, already the largest foreign aid initiative aimed at fighting a single disease in U.S. history."

Daily News Digest

by Duane Shank 02-27-2008

The latest news on Democratic debate, McCain and Hispanic vote, IRS investigates UCC, Housing, Costs soar, Senate & Iraq war, Gun ownership. immigration, Army tour length, Iraq-compensation paid, World hunger, Brazil, Kenya, Turkey-Iraq, Gaza, US-India, Farm bill Editorials, and selected Op-Eds.

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Democratic debate. Turning up the heat "With March 4 looming as either the death or rebirth of her campaign, Sen. Hillary Clinton engaged in a heated debate against Sen. Barack Obama, both drawing sharp distinctions to gain the advantage in must-win Ohio."

Daily News Digest

by Duane Shank 02-26-2008

The latest new on Democratic debate, Primaries, Religion in the U.S. Housing, Health care, Economy, Cuba, Violence against women, Pakistan, Iraq-Turkey, Iraq-US forces, Iran, Kenya, Faith and politics features, Op-Eds, and Passings.

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Democratic debate. "Presidential candidates Hillary Rodham Clinton and Barack Obama will debate today at Cleveland State University in Ohio. The event will be broadcast at 6 p.m. Pacific time (9 p.m. Eastern) on MSNBC."

Primaries. Democrats turn up heat in flurry of Ohio stops "Only one Democratic candidate ...

Daily News Digest

by Duane Shank 02-25-2008

the latest news on Presidential campaign, Economy, Medicaid, Wind power, Education, Abortion, Gang violence, Cuba, Turkey-Iraq, Darfur, Kenya, Iran, Gaza, Food aid shortage, Canada-Afghanistan, and selected Op-Eds.

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Presidential campaign. NAFTA at center of Ohio campaign "Trade and the debate over NAFTA has emerged as a major issue in the Buckeye State's March 4 Democratic primary, which could help decide the presidential nomination."

Daily News Digest

by Duane Shank 02-22-2008

The latest news onTurkish troops into Iraq, Campaign-Republican, Campaign-Democrats, Prison release, Homeowners, Human diversity, Serbia-Kosovo, Kenya, China-Sudan, Iraq, Iran, Syria, Pakistan, Rendition Flights, Satellite shootdown, and Selected Op-Eds.

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Turkish troops into Iraq. Turkish troops enter north Iraq "Turkish ground forces have rolled across the border into northern Iraq to target Kurdish rebels said to be sheltering there," Turkey Launches Ground Operation in Iraq "Turkish troops launched a ...

Daily News Digest

by Duane Shank 02-21-2008

the latest news on Primaries, Families, Global poverty bill, Health emergencies, Economy, Going green, Race & politics, Torah commentary, Iraq, Pakistan, Kenya, Us bases in Africa, Iran, Gaza, Satellite shot down, and Opinion.

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Primaries. Clinton camp splits on message "Mark Penn, chief strategist and pollster, liked Clinton's emphasis on her "strength and experience," and he defended the idea of her running as a quasi-incumbent best suited for the presidency. Harold Ickes and other advisors said that message was not working. A more promising strategy, they argued, would be to focus on the historic prospect of electing the first woman president."

Daily News Digest

by Duane Shank 02-20-2008

The Latest news on Presidential primaries, Soldiers in Iraq, Education, Poverty, Graham home, Pakistan, Darfur, Cuba, Kosovo, AIDS in Africa, Kenya, Iraq, Blair & EU, Israel-Palestine, and selected Op-Eds.

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Presidential primaries. Wisconsin Voters Give Obama Decisive Victory "Sen. Barack Obama won the Wisconsin Democratic primary decisively, extending his winning streak to nine consecutive contests

Daily News Digest

by Duane Shank 02-19-2008

the latest news on Castro's retirement, Pakistan elections, Charitable choice, Campaign 2008, Housing, Unemployment, Bush in Africa, Kosovo, Kenya, Iran, and the British Iraq dossier

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Campaign-Democrats. Will Wisconsin primary build Obama streak? "Observers are watching closely to see if he can not only fuel the perception of an Obama juggernaut by heading into the crucial Ohio and Texas primaries with a 10-0 winning streak, but also if he can continue to make inroads into some of Clinton's core supporters, including women and senior citizens."

Daily News Digest

by Duane Shank 02-18-2008

the latest news on Bush in Africa, Kosovo independence, Another hero passes, Primaries, Mothers in the Army, Militias in Iraq, L.A. gangs, Housing crisis, Pakistan, Gaza, and select op-eds

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Primaries. Political tenor shifts in Wisconsin "the once reliably Democratic state in presidential elections - it has been blue since Michael Dukakis carried it convincingly in 1988 - has become more conservative, and George W. Bush came within thousands of votes of winning it in 2000 and 2004."