Brion Thomas was raised in the Washington, D.C., area and has lived there all of his life (this doesn’t include brief periods in Baltimore and New Jersey). Brion’s academic and professional career has meandered in that he has degrees from University of Maryland in both government and politics and in business and management (with a concentration in accounting). His professional career has included both profit and not-for-profit organizations culminating with his joining Sojourners in February 2006.
It is disconcerting writing about yourself in the third person.
Brion is the proud owner of a 2004 Suzuki DL 1000 (V-Strom) but he feels less than complete in that he has only ridden in 12 states, 1 province, and the District of Columbia. Of course every season is riding season so there will be opportunites to expand that list. Another passion of Brion’s is soccer. He doesn’t play much soccer now but he does watch all of DC United’s home games and some of their road games.
It is kind of disappointing that the Sojourners website is such a popular site. Brion used to take pride in that Googling his name brought up absolutely nothing. That has changed with his being listed on this site.