Weekly Wrap 8.19.16: The 10 Best Stories You Missed This Week | Sojourners

Weekly Wrap 8.19.16: The 10 Best Stories You Missed This Week

Editor's Note: This week's Wrap was guest curated by Sojourners contributor Adam Phillips. By way of introduction, Phillips is pastor of Christ Church: Portland (Ore.), a new open, active, and inclusive community. He enjoys a Stiegl Radler after his bicycle commute, has still not seen Stranger Things, and thinks that Mellon Collie & The Infinite Sadness is seven songs too long. Read along for his top stories and notes from the week!

It’s the dog days of summer (100 degrees in Portland, Ore., for crying out loud!). So here’s a random assortment of stories you might have missed that you could slip into your Sunday sermon or small group class to see if anyone is paying attention.

1. Why Evangelicals are Losing a Generation
Has Wayne Grudem’s systematic theology caused you, a loved one, or your community some problems?

2. The U.S. Swimmers Lied… and Maybe It Was Racist?
The minute I heard Ryan Lochte and the other U.S. Olympic swim team members report they were held at gunpoint, the story seemed a bit off. Now that their story is in tatters, maybe we can get to bigger underlying issues in fibs like this: race and privilege for starters.

3. U.S. Women’s Soccer Loses, Teammates Handle Loss in Different Ways
This is another case of American athletes acting strangely — Hope Solo, the USWNT goalkeeper called the Swedish team a bunch “of cowards” after bitterly losing to them. Teammate Megan Rapinoe speaks out publicly to critique Solo’s sportsmanship. This is a great example of how to lose well and critique well.

4. Is Trump Purposely Sabotaging His Campaign?
Here’s your obligatory “Donald Trump is (maybe) crazy post.” Go ahead, get it out of the way, crack open a cold one and enjoy the scenario. It’s maybe 17.5 percent true.

5. The Birth of a Nation and Controversy
This much anticipated film named after a controversial historic film, now has controversy of its own brewing with its director and star’s past rape trial being brought to light anew. How do we wrestle with controversy, legal decisions, the court of public opinion, past history, and present celebrity?

6. Netflix 80s Redux Stranger Things Thriller Has Some Deep Roots
Which reminds me I need to binge watch this series soon or I will be completely irrelevant.

7. Stranger Things Parody Wants You To Know About 1983
See #5 - first, if like me, you have no clue what Stranger Things is about.

8. Uber’s First Self-Driving Fleet Arrives in Pittsburgh
Because if you were worried about your human Uber driver’s driving record, then robots will make everything OK, right?

9. Ten Delicious Radlers for the Summer
The legend goes that a German brewer back in the day almost ran out of beer on a hot day because too many cyclists showed up all at once — so he cut his lager with some lemonade. Whether you are on a rooftop, the beach, or floating in a river, and of the inclination, give these a whirl for something completely different.

10. Original Smashing Pumpkins Lineup Really Re-uniting?
My friend Paul in Seattle texted me this story and I was sort of excited and sort of ambivalent. Because, you know, those tickets are going to cost over $100 each and I’m worried I won’t be able to find my black “Zero” T-shirt in time.

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