An Egyptian friend living in Chicago just spoke with a pastor in Cairo. For security purposes, I have not used the name of the pastor in Cairo, but I do know him and deeply respect him. I am supporting him and all of Egypt in a day of fasting and prayer.
Here's the update on our friends in Cairo:
They are all safe in their homes, but security on the street is dangerous. The people took over security on the streets, because the Police vanished. They're not sure why the police are nowhere to be found. They are doing their own "arrests" of people trying to loot or get into their homes, but they don't know where to take them! I have friends and family staying all night on the streets outside their homes to protect their families.
Pastor [ ] went to the church to check on the workers securing the church there, as it is in the middle of town right where all the protests are happening.The people are not stopping from being on the streets, even though there's a curfew. Pastor [ ] is asking for prayers for:
1. Safety and security of the people.
2. That this change would be for the Good, and not spiral to worse than it was.
3. For freedom as the Bible explains freedom.
May God's will be done on earth as it is in heaven.
Lynne Hybels, co-founder of Willow Creek Community Church in Illinois, is author of Nice Girls Don't Change the World and a columnist for Sojourners magazine.
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