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News: Quick Links

Fox News takes a poll on #OccupyWallStreet. ... Bet they weren't expecting this:


Will Occupy Wall Street's spark reshape our politics?
When the organizers of Occupy Wall Street first gathered to discuss their plan of action, the strategy that resonated most came from those who had occupied squares in Madrid and Athens, Tunis and Cairo. According to David Graeber, one of Occupy Wall Street's organizers, "they explained that the model that seemed to work was to take something that seemed to be public space, reclaim it, and build up an organization and headquarters around [it]."
Learn more HERE.

Occupy Wall Street, The Golden Calf and the New Idolatry
When the paper Mache golden calf arrived at the church, it looked ever so much like the Wall Street Bull. I am not secretly cursing. The calf animal looked like a bull animal. Our choir director and one of our ministers carried it on their shoulders, from its rented van up Thompson Street, from Houston Street, into Judson Memorial Church around 8 p.m. on Saturday night. What surprised these two religious soldiers was how many people in the open bars recognized it immediately, "Why, that is the golden calf. You know, from the bible."
Learn more HERE.

Waiting For St. Benedict: Where Does Occupy Wall Street Go From Here?
As it grows more diverse, this public demonstration of discontent with our society's economic system is also spreading beyond Wall Street. It's rippling out to Main Streets in cities and towns across the country where those who claim to be part of the '99 percent' overlooked and forgotten by corporate elites are standing together to be counted. It's hard to say how long these protests will last or what they will lead to, but this much is clear: we've reached a tipping point.
Learn more HERE.

99 Percenters, Meet the 53 Percenters
The slogan doesn't exactly sing: "We are the 53 percent!" But this new campaign, a conservative answer to Occupy Wall Street, has some verve. The 53 Percenters are responding to We Are the 99 Percent, an inequality-focused online Tumblr designed to shame-or at least point out that-the top 1 percent of earners are taking bigger and bigger pieces of the pie.
Learn more HERE.

Map: Occupy Wall Street Spreads Worldwide, Arrests on the Rise
The loose-knit protest movement known as Occupy Wall Street has stirred action from New York City to LA and spread overseas. Here we present an expanding map of protest hot spots and track the movement's growth.
Learn more HERE.

Where new media and religion meet
Religion has been getting an upgrade - digitally speaking. The Pope has sent his first Tweet, and there are any number of religion-themed applications available for download (for free and at cost). However, a new social media application, The Table, may lead to an even greater engagement by Christian Church attendees online, as well as other communities should the start-up choose to expand its scope.
Learn more HERE.

Five Reasons the Occupy Wall Street Movement Really Frightens the Right
The Occupy Wall Street movement really frightens the Right Wing. It is not frightening to the Right because of Congressman Eric Cantor's feigned fear of "the mob" that is "occupying our cities." It is not frightening because anyone is really worried that Glenn Beck is correct when he predicts that the protesters will "come for you, drag you into the street, and kill you."
Learn more HERE.

Does Anyone Have a Grip on the G.O.P.?
It wasn't that long ago that Republican moneymen and operatives in Washington were moping around K Street like Eeyore in the Hundred Acre Wood, lamenting their party's extremist image and casting about for a candidate with a chance of beating Barack Obama in 2012.
Learn more HERE.

Republicans Stretch Truth in Debate Salvos
Mitt Romney, Rick Perry and the other Republican presidential candidates stretched the truth on health care, job creation and the deficit in a debate last night as they attacked each other and President Barack Obama.
Learn more HERE.

Obama To Highlight Latinos, Meet With Evangelicals
President Barack Obama is celebrating the contributions of Latino Americans by hosting the American Latino Heritage Forum at the White House. The morning event, which is also being sponsored by the Interior Department, will honor Latinos who've helped shape American history. In the afternoon, the president sits down in the Roosevelt Room with the executive committee of the National Association of Evangelicals. Still later, he meets with Defense Secretary Leon Panetta.
Learn more HERE.

Rolling Stone: "My Advice to the Occupy Wall Street Protesters"
Matt Taibbi says: I've been down to "Occupy Wall Street" twice now, and I love it. The protests building at Liberty Square and spreading over Lower Manhattan are a great thing, the logical answer to the Tea Party and a long-overdue middle finger to the financial elite. The protesters picked the right target and, through their refusal to disband after just one day, the right tactic, showing the public at large that the movement against Wall Street has stamina, resolve and growing popular appeal.
Learn more HERE.

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