After a poor performance last night’s Iowa Caucus — with a sixth place finish and only 6 percent of the evangelical vote — U.S. Rep. Michele Bachmann announced earlier today that she is suspending her campaign for President of the United States.
While a surge of evangelical support pushed former Sen. Rick Santorum within eight votes of first-place finisher Mitt Romney, the evangelical vote was much more fractured than in 2008, when former Arkansas Governor Mike Huckabee took about half of the demographic.
Some 58 percent of yesterday’s caucus-goers identified as evangelical Christians.
Matthew Santoro is a communications and new media professional in Washington, D.C. He was a Capstone Scholar of Religion at Oberlin College, graduating in 2007. Matthew completed his Master's degree in Political Science at American University in 2009. Follow him on Twitter: @Rantoro.
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