The Morning News: Thursday, Dec. 8, 2011 | Sojourners

The Morning News: Thursday, Dec. 8, 2011

THINK PROGRESS: ‘Morning Joe’ Crew Mocks Perry’s War On Christmas Ad
As if the overwhelmingly negative reviews from YouTube users and some faith-based leaders weren’t damning enough, MSNBC’s Morning Joe hosts ripped apart Rick Perry’s “war on religion” ad, even Googling for stories about the administration’s supposed “special-ops” war against Christmas.
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IWATCH NEWS: Odd Couples: Gingrich Casts Wide Net To Evangelicals, Tea Party And K Street Lobbyists
As Newt Gingrich resurrects his once moribund campaign, his fundraisers and outside allies are moving aggressively to rake in millions of dollars and win backing from the evangelical and Tea Party communities.
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THE HUFFINGTON POST: The Real War On Christmas
What I'd like to remind these "Christian groups" is that Christmas isn't actually supposed to be about shopping at all. We Christians don't need to fight to have Christmas associated with shopping, we need to fight for it not to be. You're fighting the wrong war guys.
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NPR: GOP Presidential Hopefuls Make Bid For Jewish Vote
The Republican candidates spoke to the national Republican Jewish Coalition Wednesday in Washington, D.C. They all showed support for Israel while slamming President Obama's Mideast policy.
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SLATE: Republicans: Save Social Security!
Talking and listening to Republican senators today, I heard an old-new message on the problem with extending payroll tax cuts. Why can't we extend the artificially low FICA rates baked in to the 2010 tax deal? Because doing so would mean hurting Social Security.
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ASSOCIATED PRESS: Protesters Arrested In DC After K Street Shutdown
More than five dozen protesters upset about what they call corporate greed and the excessive influence of money in politics were arrested Wednesday after shutting down K Street, home to many of the city's influential lobbying firms, in a mass demonstration that snarled mid-day traffic in the nation's capital.
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THE WALL STREET JOURNAL: Obama To Congress: Don’t Mix Oil Pipeline, Payroll Tax Cut
President Barack Obama said Wednesday he would reject any attempt by Republicans to attach a decision over the Keystone XL crude-oil pipeline to legislation extending a payroll tax cut.
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THE WASHINGTON POST: Income Gap Stays Wide In District, Narrows In Suburbs
The income gap between whites and blacks living in the District is one of the widest in the country, new census statistics show. That stands in stark contrast to the Washington suburbs, where the gaps have become some of the nation’s narrowest.
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