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The latest news on Unemployment Drops, Medicaid Cuts, Immigration, New Orleans Smaller, Egypt -- What's Next?, Iran Nuclear Program, Congo Rape Victims, Global Food Prices, and Select Op-Eds.

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Quote of the Day. "Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable. "President John F. Kennedy, March 13, 1962, relevant to today's events. (Quotations Book)


Coptic Christians fear persecution if extremists take power in Egypt "With attacks on Christians already increasing in the Middle East, the populist uprising in Egypt has triggered fears among some that the region's largest non-Muslim population - Egypt's 7 million Coptic Christians - could be at risk."

Egypt's Coptic Christians fear life without Mubarak "But in a surprise even to them, many Copts say they now find themselves praying for President Hosni Mubarak's government to last as long as possible."

City's High Abortion Rate Defies Easy Explanation "The hand-wringing has led to a rare moment of synchronicity between the Catholic Church and pro-choice women's groups, as both say they are disturbed that the rate is so high, but disagree over what to do about it."

Letters outline US bishops' policy priorities "The U.S. bishops released two letters to members of Congress late last month that outline "principles and priorities that guide the public policy efforts" of the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops."


Unemployment drops. Unemployment drops to 9 percent "The unemployment rate fell to 9 percent in January but employers added a fewer than expected 36,000 jobs during the month, the Labor Department said Friday in the third consecutive disappointing monthly employment report. " Meager jobs growth in Jan "Employment rose far less than expected in January, partly the result of snow storms that slammed large parts of the nation, but the unemployment rate fell to its lowest level since April 2009."

Budget cuts proposed. House Republicans propose $74 billion in budget cuts "House Republicans on Thursday unveiled $74 billion in cuts to President Obama's proposed 2011 budget for the remainder of the fiscal year - squaring off with rank-and-file conservatives who insist on $100 billion in reductions promised on the campaign trail, and Senate Democrats who reject such deep hits." House GOP wants $74 billion in budget cuts: Draconian or only a start? "House Budget Chairman Paul Ryan releases his spending limits for the 2011 House budget. Democrats say the cuts are unconscionable. Some Republicans say they're too small."

Medicaid cuts. Obama administration offers states ideas on how to cut Medicaid "Facing a revolt from states confronted by huge budget shortfalls and tattered healthcare safety nets, the Obama administration is intensifying a drive to help state leaders wring savings from their Medicaid programs." Governors Get Advice for Saving on Medicaid "Fearing wholesale cuts in Medicaid by states with severe budget problems, the Obama administration told governors on Thursday how they could save money by selectively and judiciously reducing benefits, curbing overuse of costly prescription drugs and attacking fraud."

Immigration. Immigration report finds no rush across border to give birth "Republican lawmakers in Congress and in more than a dozen state legislatures are trying to alter the interpretation of the 14th Amendment so that the children of illegal immigrants born in the USA are no longer granted citizenship."

Gabrielle Giffords. Giffords's husband reflects on faith "The husband of Rep. Gabrielle Giffords (D-Ariz.) delivered a moving tribute to the power of faith Thursday during the National Prayer Breakfast in Washington, remarking on his wife's steady improvement and urging the nation to keep her in its prayers because "it's helping."

New Orleans smaller. Smaller New Orleans After Katrina, Census Shows "The Census Bureau reported on Thursday that 343,829 people were living in the city of New Orleans on April 1, 2010, four years and seven months after it was virtually emptied by the floodwaters that followed the hurricane. The numbers portray a significantly smaller city than in the previous census, in 2000,"


Egypt -- "Day of Departure." Egypt's 'final push' protests begin "Chants urging Hosni Mubarak, the Egyptian president, to leave office are reverberating across Cairo's Tahrir Square. Hundreds of thousands of people have gathered at the square, the focal point of protests in Egypt, for what they have termed the "Day of Departure". Huge crowds in Cairo for 'departure day' "Tens of thousands of Egyptians are taking part in a "day of departure" to try to oust President Hosni Mubarak.There is an increased army presence in Cairo's Tahrir Square after unrest that has led to hundreds of casualties." Egyptian throngs have a word for Mubarak: 'Leave!' "Thousands turn out after Friday prayers to rally in Tahrir Square on the day demonstrators had designated as the president's departure deadline. A robust military presence guards against violence." Protesters again fill Tahrir Square for 'Day of Departure' rally "Tahrir Square filled again with vast crowds of anti-government demonstrators Friday morning, ahead of a massive protest planned to demand the immediate ouster of Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak."

Egypt -- what's next? US hatches Mubarak exit strategy as Egypt death toll mounts "The Obama administration is working on a plan in which the Egyptian president, Hosni Mubarak would stand down immediately in spite of claims yesterday he was intent on clinging on to power until the elections in the autumn." White House, Egypt Discuss Plan for Mubarak's Exit "The Obama administration is discussing with Egyptian officials a proposal for President Hosni Mubarak to resign immediately and turn over power to a transitional government headed by Vice President Omar Suleiman with the support of the Egyptian military," Power struggle within Mubarak regime sending mixed signals "An apparent power struggle inside the Mubarak regime is sending out a bizarre set of mixed signals just when the country needs