The latest news on Unemployment, Budget Passed, G20 Summit, New Orleans, Food Safety, NATO Summit, Afghanistan, North Korea, Zimbabwe, and Select Op-eds. | Sojourners

The latest news on Unemployment, Budget Passed, G20 Summit, New Orleans, Food Safety, NATO Summit, Afghanistan, North Korea, Zimbabwe, and Select Op-eds.

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Unemployment. Jobless rate bolts to 8.5 percent, 663K jobs lost "The nation's unemployment rate jumped to 8.5 percent in March, the highest since late 1983, as a wide swath of employers eliminated 663,000 jobs." 663,000 jobs lost "U.S. employers slashed 663,000 jobs in March, lifting the unemployment rate to 8.5 percent, the highest since 1983, underscoring the growing distress in the labor market."

Budget passed. Congress Approves Budget "Congressional Democrats overwhelmingly embraced President Obama's ambitious and expensive agenda for the nation yesterday, endorsing a $3.5 trillion spending plan that sets the stage for the president to pursue his most far-reaching priorities." Budgets Approved, With No G.O.P. Votes "The House and Senate approved budgets of about $3.5 trillion for the government on Thursday with no Republican support, a sign of deep partisan tensions likely to color Congressional efforts to enact major policy initiatives sought by President Obama." Senate, House OK budgets made for Obama, with tough battles ahead on other items in his agenda "Acting in quick succession, the House and Senate approved budgets Thursday night drawn to President Barack Obama's specifications and pointing the way toward major legislation later this year on health care, energy and education."

G20 Summit. World Leaders Pledge $1.1 Trillion to Tackle Crisis "Struggling to bridge deep divides over how to revive a paralyzed global economy, the leaders of the world's largest economies agreed Thursday to bail out developing countries, stimulate world trade and regulate financial firms more stringently." Nations Craft Hard-Fought Pledge To Repair World Financial System "President Obama and the leaders of the world's largest economies on Thursday declared their intention to create a new era of worldwide financial oversight and government investment in a move to shore up the collapsing global economy." G-20 summit surprises with a show of unity "Choosing compromise over division, leaders of the world's most important economies pledged Thursday to offer $1.1 trillion in loans and guarantees to countries most badly damaged by the global downturn, encouraging hopes that their concerted action could nudge the stalled world economy toward recovery." G20 ushers in new world order "World leaders yesterday agreed on a $1.1 trillion injection of financial aid into the global economy, with Gordon Brown claiming that the grand bargain he had brokered represented 'a coming together of the world' which would speed recovery from the worst recession since 1945."

New Orleans. Defying economy, New Orleans keeps rebuilding "This city is a rarity in 2009: a place full of hard hats and big building projects and subcontractors roaring around in pickup trucks. A city where home prices have dipped only slightly, and where the unemployment rate is 5.3% -- compared with 8.1% nationwide."

Food safety. Food safety reform is on the table again "But the string of alerts keeps food safety on the minds of Americans and could lead to legislative changes in California and the rest of the country."

NATO Summit. NATO states to mark 60th anniversary "After 60 years of a solid but sometimes stormy marriage, the countries of the world's most powerful military alliance plan to renew their vows of mutual support and protection this weekend. But don't expect a second honeymoon." NATO Meeting to Highlight Strains on Afghanistan "NATO leaders will meet in Strasbourg, France, on Friday to celebrate the 60th anniversary of an alliance that deterred the Soviet Union, opened the door to emerging democracies, battled ethnic cleansing and now welcomes the return of France as a full member." Europeans Reluctant to Follow Obama on Afghan Initiative "European leaders have prepared to host a spectacular summit here to mark the 60th anniversary of NATO, the bedrock military alliance that has bound the United States to the security of Europe since shortly after World War II." U.S. seeks NATO boost for Afghan war "Barack Obama, the U.S. president, is to meet the French president and German chancellor in an attempt to convince them to send extra troops to Afghanistan, before a NATO summit likely to focus on the alliance's role there."

Afghanistan. Splintered Taliban Thwarts Afghan Peace "When voter registration stations opened in southern Afghanistan several months ago, officials feared they would be attacked by Taliban fighters who control much of the region. Instead, the process went smoothly and not a shot was fired." Aid agencies attack U.S. plan to arm Afghan militias "U.S.-backed efforts to encourage Afghans to defend their villages against the Taliban will lead to more civilians being murdered by insurgents, leading aid organizations warn."

North Korea. N Korea 'preparing rocket launch' "North Korea is reported to be pressing ahead with final preparations for its planned satellite launch, despite stern warnings from the U.S. and its allies." As North Korea readies rocket launch, U.S. turns up pressure "The U.S. and its allies stepped up pressure on North Korea on Thursday to scrap its planned launch of a long-range rocket, with President Obama agreeing with the South Korean president to respond sternly if Pyongyang proceeds." Obama threatens action if North Korea tests rocket "President Barack Obama today issued another veiled warning to the North Koreans to call off their planned test launch of a long-range ballistic missile, which he said would be a provocative move."

Zimbabwe. Zimbabwean migrants get permits "The three million Zimbabweans in South Africa can get permits to stay legally for six months, the authorities announce."

Opinion. Greed and Stupidity (David Brooks, New York Times) "What happened to the global economy? We seemed to be chugging along, enjoying moderate business cycles and unprecedented global growth. All of a sudden, all hell broke loose." Obama, Race and What We're Not Talking About (Eugene Robinson, Washington Post) "Not even three months have passed since President Obama's historic inauguration, and already it tends to slip the nation's collective mind that the first black president of the United States is, in fact, black. There may be hope for us after all."

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