The latest news on Swine Flu, Budget Approved, Economy, Obama News Conference, Republican Party, Voting Rights Act, Immigration, Iraq, North Korea, and Pakistan. | Sojourners

The latest news on Swine Flu, Budget Approved, Economy, Obama News Conference, Republican Party, Voting Rights Act, Immigration, Iraq, North Korea, and Pakistan.

Swine flu. Swine Flu Is Suspected in Region; WHO Warns of Likely Pandemic "The World Health Organization took the unprecedented step yesterday of warning that the world is probably on the verge of a pandemic, as new cases of swine flu mounted, the first death was reported in the United States and the dangerous virus appeared to arrive just outside the nation's capital." Containing Flu Is Not Feasible, Specialists Say "'Containment is no longer a feasible option,' Dr. Keiji Fukuda, deputy director general of the World Health Organization, announced Monday night in Geneva after a meeting of the agency's emergency committee on the spreading swine flu virus." Global swine flu cases top 250 "The announcement came after the WHO raised its global epidemic threat level to phase five - the second highest level - in recognition of the growing number of countries affected by the virus."

Budget approved. Congress Approves Obama's $3.4 Trillion Spending Blueprint "The Democratically controlled Congress yesterday easily approved a $3.4 trillion spending plan, setting the stage for President Obama to pursue the first major overhaul of the nation's health-care system in a generation along with other far-reaching domestic initiatives." Congress' budget shorts Obama plans to shift wealth "President Obama's first budget, unveiled with great fanfare two months ago, started out like a plan that Robin Hood would love: He proposed taxing the wealthy to ease the burden on the middle class. But so far, Congress has not rushed to follow his lead."

Economy. In Sharp Contraction, Basis for an Upswing "The U.S. economy contracted at a surprisingly fast pace at the beginning of the year, but it shrank in ways that could lay the groundwork for growth in the months ahead." Economic Decline in Quarter Exceeds Forecast "The American economy is contracting at its steepest pace in 50 years, the government reported Wednesday, but an unanticipated rise in consumer spending since January suggested to many economists that the worst of the recession might have passed."

Obama news conference. Obama injects message of hope into 100-day speech "A somber President Obama warned a recession-weary nation Wednesday that its resilience would be tested even more in the second hundred days of his presidency, as he grapples with a series of crises including two wars, a teetering economy and an outbreak of swine flu." Obama Voices Concern About Pakistan "President Obama said Wednesday that he was 'gravely concerned' about the stability of the Pakistani government but that he was confident Pakistan's nuclear arsenal would not fall into the hands of Islamic militants."

Republican party. As Obama grows stronger, GOP rhetoric becomes extreme "To many Republicans, President Barack Obama's first hundred days have been a period of apocalyptic agony." G.O.P. Debate: A Broader Party or a Purer One? "A fundamental debate broke out among Republicans on Wednesday over how to rebuild the party in the wake of Senator Arlen Specter's departure: Should it purge moderate voices like Mr. Specter and embrace its conservative roots or seek to broaden its appeal to regain a competitive position against Democrats?"

Voting Rights Act. Court Reveals Customary Divide In Wrestling With Anti-Bias Law "The Supreme Court yesterday split along a familiar ideological battle line in its consideration of the Voting Rights Act, apparently leaving Justice Anthony M. Kennedy in the pivotal position of deciding the fate of what a government lawyer called 'one of the most transformative acts in American history.'" Supreme Court skeptical about preserving Voting Rights Act provision "The fate of a key provision of the Voting Rights Act looked to be in doubt Wednesday as Supreme Court justices questioned whether the Southern states still need special supervision to prevent them from discriminating against black voters."

Immigration. Immigration Agents to Turn Focus to Employers "In an effort to crack down on illegal labor, the Department of Homeland Security intends to step up enforcement efforts against employers who knowingly hire such workers." Recession hits immigrant workforce harder than native workforce "Immigrants have been hit harder than native-born Americans by the recession, with larger increases in joblessness among both educated and uneducated workers, according to a study released today."

Iraq. Baghdad Is Shaken by a Series of Bombs "A series of bombs went off in Baghdad on Wednesday, extending a period of violence that has rattled Iraq's government and security forces." Five car bombings across Baghdad kill 48 "Five car bombs ripped through neighborhoods across Baghdad late Wednesday, killing at least 48 people, wounding scores more and further raising concerns that a new wave of violence is threatening the security gains of the last 18 months." U.K. combat operations end in Iraq "A ceremony is held in Basra to mark the official end of the British military mission in Iraq after six years."

North Korea. N. Korea Issues Threat on Uranium "North Korea said Wednesday that it would start a uranium enrichment program, declaring for the first time that it intended to pursue a second project unless the United Nations lifted sanctions."

Pakistan. Civilians Flee as Pakistani Forces Hit Resistance "The Pakistani forces air-dropped commandos into the main town in Buner on Wednesday and quickly retook control of it from Taliban militants who flooded into the area last week, the military said." Pakistan wrests control of town from Taliban "Pakistani commandos dropped from helicopters Wednesday into an area behind Taliban lines about 80 miles from Islamabad, the capital, and regained control of a key town, the army said."