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The latest news on Health Care, Unemployment Aid, Education Standards, Israel-Palestine, Haiti, Chile, Afghanistan, Darfur, and Select Op-Eds.

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Quote of the Day. "A well-crafted carbon surcharge achieves two goals. The first is a drastic reduction in fossil fuel usage for energy, but the second, and more important for Los Angeles, is the creation of thousands of green-collar jobs." Jay Carson, chief deputy mayor of Los Angeles on the city's plan to increase electric rates to fund renewable energy programs. (Los Angeles Times)


Glenn Beck's Advice on 'Social Justice' Churches Sparks Outrage "Anti-poverty Christian groups are up in arms after popular political commentator Glenn Beck urged Christians to leave their church if it talks about social justice."

Texas Conservatives Seek Deeper Stamp on Texts "Even as a panel of educators laid out a vision Wednesday for national standards for public schools, the Texas school board was going in a different direction, holding hearings on changes to its social studies curriculum that would portray conservatives in a more positive light, emphasize the role of Christianity in American history and include Republican political philosophies in textbooks."

Faith-Based Advisers: We Found 'Meaningful Common Ground' "We have different opinions, admitted the White House faith-based advisers on Tuesday when they presented their recommendations, but we were able to find 'meaningful common ground.'" White House Religion Panel Gets It Right "Now the White House task force has disbanded, and a new one -- along with new issues -- has not yet been named. Which of the task force recommendations will be adopted, and when, remains the driving question; if the president delays, he will have squandered considerable goodwill."

Lost Jewish tribe 'found in Zimbabwe' "The Lemba people of Zimbabwe and South Africa may look like their compatriots, but they follow a very different set of customs and traditions

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