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The latest news on G.O.P. Controls the House, State Finances, Health-Care Spending, Oil Spill, Iraq, Pakistan, U.N. Peacekeepers, and Israel.

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Quote of the Day. "Absent data that show liens make a meaningful contribution to revenue collection and especially in this economy, I find it unacceptable that the IRS continues to torment financially struggling taxpayers in this way," Nina E. Olson, the National Taxpayer Advocate, an independent ombudsman within the IRS, in an annual report to Congress critical of the agency filing tax files liens against people who have no money and no assets. (Washington Post)


Tight security for Egypt's Copts "Coptic Christians prepare to celebrate Christmas Eve amid tight security after a bomb attack on a church in Egypt in which 23 people died."

Mainstream Pakistan religious organisations applaud killing of Salmaan Taseer "The increasing radicalisation of Pakistani society was today laid bare when mainstream religious organisations applauded the murder of Salmaan Taseer, the governor of Punjab, earlier this week and his killer was showered with rose petals as he appeared in court."

Iraq Jumps 9 Spots in World's Worst Persecutors List "Iraq jumped nine spots higher on this year's World Watch List that ranks countries based on persecution of Christians."

Noah's Ark replica shows conservative Christians are embracing green building "As a consortium that includes his group prepares to break ground this spring on a biblical theme park called Ark Encounter, which will include a replication of Noah's Ark built according to the dimensions given in the Book of Genesis, it is turning to the latest trends in "green" architecture."

Q and A: Melissa Rogers on past and future decades in religious liberty "Melissa Rogers is a veteran religious-liberty attorney and nationally recognized expert in church-state law.