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The latest news on Finance Reform, Tax Cuts Expiring, Tea Party, Iran-Nuclear Weapons, Iran Sanctions, Afghanistan, Sudan, Mideast, and Select Op-Eds.

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Quote of the Day. "Mine health and safety laws are in place to protect our coal miners, but it's clear that a breakdown occurred and we lost 29 miners who should be with us today." West Virginia Gov. Joe Manchin III (D), calling for mines to be closed Friday in a "Day of Honor and Mourning" in memory of the miners who died in an explosion 10 days ago. (Washington Post)


Bishop Removes Hospital from CHA over Health Care Bill "A health care system in Rhode Island has withdrawn from the national Catholic Health Association in a lingering dispute over the health care bill Congress passed last month."

Christian Aid: Needs of Afghan People Must Not Be Forgotten "U.K.-based Christian Aid has called on the international community to keep its focus on the needs of the Afghan people after weeks of rancor between Afghanistan and the United States."

The Gospel Heads North "Some 2,000 people witnessed the weekend ordainment of four Southern Baptist ministers at a church here, including one man poised to voyage to the religious frontier of upstate New York."

Why conservative Christians should support nuclear abolition (Tyler Wigg-Stevenson, On Faith/Washington Post) "