The latest news on the Economy, Cost of War, Health Care, U.S.-Canada, Pope in Middle East, Iran-U.S. Journalist Free, Sri Lanka, China, Pakistan, Afghanistan, South Africa, and Select Op-eds. | Sojourners

The latest news on the Economy, Cost of War, Health Care, U.S.-Canada, Pope in Middle East, Iran-U.S. Journalist Free, Sri Lanka, China, Pakistan, Afghanistan, South Africa, and Select Op-eds.

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Quote of the day. "Civilian casualties are undermining support in the Afghan people for the war on terrorism and for the relations with America. How can you expect a people who keep losing their children to remain friendly?" (Afghan President Hamid Karzai, Washington Post)

Economy. For Victims of Recession, Patchwork State Aid "As millions of people seek government aid, many for the first time, they are finding it dispensed American style: through a jumble of disconnected programs that reach some and reject others, often for reasons of geography or chance rather than differences in need." Obama Adviser Sees Unemployment Rising Until 2010 "President Obama's chief economics forecaster said on Sunday that the nation's unemployment rate was likely to keep rising until 2010, even if the economy begins growing later this year."

Cost of war. Will Congress keep paying for these two wars? "The debate over how - and how long - the United States should fight wars in Iraq and Afghanistan returns to Washington's political stage this week as a wary Congress begins considering new funding for the conflicts."

Health care. Industry Groups Pledge to Stem Health-Care Cost Increases "Volunteering to 'do our part' to tackle runaway health costs, leading groups in the health-care industry have offered to squeeze $2 trillion in savings from projected increases over the next decade, White House officials said yesterday." Industry Pledges to Control Health Care Costs Voluntarily "Doctors, hospitals, drug makers and insurance companies will join President Obama on Monday in announcing their commitment to a sharp reduction in the growth of national health spending."

U.S.-Canada. U.S. gets tough on Canadian border "The administration says security should be as stringent as on the Mexican frontier. Border residents and Canadian officials disagree, saying the terrorism threat is exaggerated."

Pope in Middle East. Pontiff calls for Mideast peace, vows to fight anti-Semitism "Pope Benedict XVI arrived in Israel on Monday, starting a historic five-day pilgrimage by calling for peace, an end to anti-Semitism, and freedom of worship and understanding between religions." Pope Underlines Support for a Palestinian State "On the fourth day of his first trip to the Middle East as pope, Benedict XVI arrived Monday in Israel and immediately called for a solution to the conflict that would yield a 'homeland of their own' for both Palestinians and Israelis." Pope calls for 'lasting' Middle East peace "Pope Benedict XVI today pleaded for a just and lasting peace between Israeli and the Palestinians as he arrived in Israel for a five-day visit." The pope's visit to Israel is an impossible balancing act "Different factions in the Vatican and in the Israeli government, the Palestinian Authority, the local Catholic leadership, the Chief Rabbinate, the Islamic Movement, are all pursuing different agendas, and for months already have been attempting to extract maximum political benefit from the visit."

Iran-U.S. journalist free. Reporter Saberi leaves Iran jail "The U.S.-Iranian journalist jailed in Iran, Roxana Saberi, has been freed from prison after having her sentence for spying reduced." Iran 'set to free U.S. journalist' "Iran is expected to release an American-born journalist jailed for spying for the United State after a court reduced her sentence."

Sri Lanka. U.N. mourns Sri Lanka 'bloodbath' "The United Nations has described the situation in northern Sri Lanka as a 'bloodbath' after reports of heavy civilian casualties at the weekend." 'More than 1,000 civilians killed' in attacks on Sri Lanka safe zone "A doctor working inside the no-fire zone in Sri Lanka today told the Guardian that more than 1,400 people were believed to have been killed in two days of air and artillery attacks."

China. China Emerges as a Leader in Cleaner Coal Technology "China has emerged in the past two years as the world's leading builder of more efficient, less polluting coal power plants, mastering the technology and driving down the cost."

Pakistan. Fear and Worry Pervade Refugee Camps As Pakistanis Flee Assault on Taliban "As they waited in rows of empty white tents, refugees from fighting in the Swat Valley said Sunday that they had been repeating a Koranic verse from the sayings of the prophet Muhammad." Swat refugees tell of abandonment "Residents fleeing the Pakistani military's offensive against Taliban fighters in the Swat valley have told Al Jazeera of their sense of abandonment at the hands of both sides." Shaky Pakistan Is Seen as a Target of Plots by Al Qaeda "As Taliban militants push deeper into Pakistan's settled areas, foreign operatives of Al Qaeda who had focused on plotting attacks against the West are seizing on the turmoil to sow chaos in Pakistan and strengthen the hand of the militant Islamist groups there."

Afghanistan. More Airstrikes Against Taliban Possible, Says U.S. Official "National security adviser James L. Jones said yesterday that the U.S. military should keep open the option of airstrikes against Taliban forces in western Afghanistan, but he acknowledged warnings by Afghan President Hamid Karzai that civilian deaths from such attacks are damaging both governments' moral standing and support." Phosphorus claim after fatal air strikes in Afghanistan "Afghanistan's leading human rights organization is investigating claims that white phosphorus was used during a deadly battle between U.S. forces and the Taliban last week in which scores of civilians may have died." Gates's Plan to Shift Military Spending Faces Skepticism "Defense Secretary Robert M. Gates visited southern Afghanistan late last week not only to assess the American war effort, but also to showcase the kind of conflict he thinks the military must prepare to fight in the years ahead."

South Africa. New South African Leader Emphasizes Continuity in Cabinet Lineup "South Africa's new president, Jacob Zuma, named his cabinet on Sunday, introducing a lineup that largely signaled a desire for continuity rather than any lunge to the left, as some here had hoped and others feared." Zuma's Team Looks Geared for Delivery "President Jacob Zuma has put together a powerful, diverse Cabinet to tackle one of SA's biggest challenges - service delivery - and the line-up should be welcomed by financial markets."

Opinion. Catholic Church's long road to accepting Judaism (By Marvin Hier, Los Angeles Times) "When Pope Benedict XVI sets foot in Jerusalem today, he will be only the third pope in history to do so. The visit comes at a crucial time for both Catholics and Jews."

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