The latest news on Day One, Inauguration, Transcripts, World Reaction, Gaza-Israel, Afghanistan, Zimbabwe, and Select Op-eds. | Sojourners

The latest news on Day One, Inauguration, Transcripts, World Reaction, Gaza-Israel, Afghanistan, Zimbabwe, and Select Op-eds.

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Day one. Obama Begins Day With National Prayer Service "On his first full day in office, President Obama spent part of the morning at the Washington National Cathedral, placing his own stamp on the traditional National Prayer Service with a larger-than-usual group of interfaith religious leaders participating and newly written prayers meant to emphasize liberty and diversity." Economy tops Obama agenda on day one "Barack Obama began his first full day in office today with a national prayer service, a tradition dating back to George Washington, at the Washington National Cathedral before meeting his top economic and national security advisers at the White House." White House: Obama determined to help consolidate Gaza truce "U.S. President Barack Obama on Wednesday called four Middle East leaders, Prime Minister Ehud Olmert and Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas, to express his commitment for working toward Middle East peace."

Inauguration. Obama sworn in as president "President Barack Obama, calling on Americans to embrace 'a new era of responsibility,' delivered an inaugural address sober in its recognition of the crises confronting Americans yet soaring in its call to service." Obama Is Sworn In as the 44th President "Barack Hussein Obama became the 44th president of the United States on Tuesday before a massive crowd reveling in a moment of historical significance, and called on Americans to confront together an economic crisis that he said was caused by 'our collective failure to make hard choices.'" A Historic Inauguration Draws Throngs To the Mall "Barack Hussein Obama took the oath of office as the nation's first African American president yesterday, summoning a vast crowd and a watching nation to the task of reviving a country in crisis." Obama Takes Oath, and Nation in Crisis Embraces the Moment "Barack Hussein Obama was sworn in as the 44th president of the United States on Tuesday and promised to 'begin again the work of remaking America' on a day of celebration that climaxed a once-inconceivable journey for the man and his country." 'It's the greatest experience' "As trumpets played and drums rolled, Barack Obama walked smiling out of the Capitol and into the winter sun to take his oath of office, stopping to embrace an icon of the civil rights movement, Rep. John Lewis, and another icon's son, Rep. Jesse Jackson Jr." A Vast, Diverse Sea of Humanity Celebrates the Dawn of an Era "On the marble steps of the Lincoln Memorial, people stood gazing toward the carpet of humanity that was gathered in the distance, before the cream-colored inauguration platform at the U.S. Capitol." Day of renewal for U.S. values "Barack Obama's election broke a color barrier. His stirring inaugural address yesterday proved something else that his heroes Abraham Lincoln and Martin Luther King Jr. had always insisted would be true: That advancing equality can give new force to America's core values."

Barack Obama's Inaugural Address
Rev. Rick Warren's Invocation
Rev. Joseph Lowery's Benediction
Elizabeth Alexander's Inaugural Poem

World reaction. World leaders welcome Barack Obama "World leaders impatient for a new direction for America greeted President Obama's arrival with exuberance Tuesday but sent telltale warnings of the challenges about to envelop the new chief executive and his administration." World reacts to arrival of new U.S. leader "Citizens from Africa to the Middle East explain how they think Barack Obama's presidency will affect them." World voices: Obama's big day "BBC News website readers from around the world share their views on Obama's inauguration."

Gaza-Israel. U.N. chief touU.N. chief tours Gaza Strip, Israel townrs Gaza Strip, Israel town "Ban Ki-moon says he saw 'heartbreaking' scenes of destruction in the Palestinian territory. In Sderot, in southern Israel, he calls militants' rocket attacks 'appalling.'" Toll of Gaza offensive 'alarming' to U.N. chief "As the Israeli army continued its withdrawal from the Gaza Strip on Tuesday, U.N. Secretary General Ban Ki Moon expressed shock at what he called the 'heartbreaking' devastation left behind, and Hamas militants held rallies to declare victory amid the rubble." Israel Completes Withdrawal From Gaza "After more than three weeks of fighting, Israeli troops completed their withdrawal from Gaza early on Wednesday, the military said, but residents reported the continued sound of what they said was naval gunfire in the waters off the Mediterranean coastline here." Control Of Gaza Subject Of Debate "As Palestinians begin thinking about how to rebuild the bombarded Gaza Strip, the biggest hurdle quickly became apparent: Who will be in charge?" Few Israelis Near Gaza Feel War Achieved Much "Israel's deadly offensive against Hamas in Gaza ended on Sunday, with each side having unilaterally declared a cease-fire. Yet there was little sense of triumph here in the days after, more a nagging feeling of something missed or incomplete."

Afghanistan. New Afghan civilian deaths probe "The U.S. military in Afghanistan is investigating reports that up to 25 civilians were killed in an operation north of Kabul this week." U.S. to Be Allowed New Routes To Supply Troops in Afghanistan "Army Gen. David H. Petraeus said yesterday that the United States had reached agreements to open 'additional logistical routes into Afghanistan' through its Central Asian neighbors to the north, reducing dependence on Pakistan as the main transit route for supplies to U.S. and NATO troops."

Zimbabwe. Zimbabwe pZimbabwe power-sharing talks failower-sharing talks fail "Zimbabwe's power-sharing talks are close to collapse after Robert Mugabe refused to relinquish control over the key security ministries that played a leading role in rigging the last election and suppressing political opposition." Zimbabwe talks collapse once again "But a September power-sharing agreement has stalled amid fighting over who should control key ministries and regional leaders have failed to secure a compromise, despite international calls for stronger action."

Editorials. President Obama (Chicago Tribune) "But in tone and substance, Obama delivered what the country needed to hear from its new president. A promise of accountability. A call for a new era of responsibility. A recognition of duty. A deep sense of the nation's traditions and its once and future greatness." Mr. Obama's Summons (Washington Post) "The nation and the world were witness to two breathtaking sights yesterday. There was Barack Obama, on the steps of the U.S. Capitol, becoming the 44th president of the United States and summoning his compatriots to 'a new era of responsibility.' And there, stretching before him and filling most of the Mall and surrounding streets, were his countrymen -- as many as one of every 150 Americans, cheering and crying and, in many cases, ready to take up his call." President Obama (New York Times) "As the day continued with a parade and parties and balls, the image that stayed with us was the way the 44th president managed to embrace the symbolism and rise above it. It filled us with hope that with Mr. Obama's help, this battered nation will be able to draw together and mend itself." Inaugural address sounds notes of optimism and reality (Los Angeles Times) "The inauguration of Barack Obama as the 44th president spoke more eloquently about the promise of this country than anything he could have said Tuesday. But his inaugural address, though less poetic and less provocative than some of his speeches as a candidate, effectively sounded the theme that the country can rebound from its current economic crisis." On Inauguration Day, one nation (Christian Science Monitor) "It's a tall order, bringing a country together. But Obama is reaching beyond political bridge-building - as hard as that is - to a spiritual union grounded in individuals caring for each other, what he calls 'a new era of responsibility.'"

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