Daily News Digest | Sojourners

Daily News Digest

Top stories on U.S.-Poland relations, Evangelicals and the Election, the Economy, Pakistan, China, the Georgia-Russia conflict, Musharraf, Zimbabwe, Paraguay, the Philippines, and select Editorials.

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U.S.-Poland. US and Poland 'agree shield deal' "Agreement comes at time of tension between US and Russia over Georgia conflict." US and Poland sign defence deal "The US and Poland sign a deal on plans for the controversial US missile defence shield, which Russia strongly opposes." U.S., Poland reach deal on missile base "Washington will augment Poland's defenses with Patriot missiles in exchange for placing 10 missile defense interceptors in the Eastern European country. Russia opposes the move."

Evangelicals and the Election. Campaigns Court Evangelicals "Young Christians' conservative convictions are no longer a guarantee they will vote Republican." A new-style evangelical pastor ascends the political stage "Pastor Rick Warren interviews Obama and McCain in a live broadcast Saturday. "

Economy. Consumer prices surge, job market remains strained "Inflation nationally is running at the fastest pace in 17 years, but the Boston area is being hit particularly hard." Income chasm widening in state "The gap between rich and poor has widened in the Bay State over the past two decades, a new study by the University of Massachusetts shows. "

Pakistan. Thousands flee Pakistan tribal belt "Around 135,000 people have fled area bordering Afghanistan to escape fighting." Suspected U.S. missile strike kills 9 in Pakistan "The attack reported by local officials near the Afghan border may signal an increased U.S. campaign against Islamic insurgents. American officials deny knowledge of the strike."

China. Xinjiang tense in wake of attacks "Unease and tight security in China's Muslim far west follows deadly attacks." 5 deported from China after 'Free Tibet' stunt "Five foreign activists were deported Friday after they scaled a landmark building in Beijing to unfurl a 'Free Tibet' banner over the top of an Olympic Games billboard in the latest protest during the games." The Choreography of Detentions "China's strategy for handling protesters seems to be to document their gentle treatment in custody."

Georgia-Russia. Bush condemns 'bullying' Russia "US President George W Bush says Russia must withdraw its troops from Georgia, accusing Moscow of bullying tactics." Bush hits Russia on 'bullying and intimidation' "President Bush on Friday accused Russia of 'bullying and intimidation' in its harsh military treatment of Georgia, saying the people in the former Soviet republic have chosen freedom and 'we will not cast them aside.'" Another flub? Bush vowed Navy aid to Georgia too soon "President Bush promised that U.S. naval forces would help deliver humanitarian aid to Georgia, but administration officials said he spoke before the Pentagon had planned such an operation or Turkey, a NATO ally that controls access to the Black Sea, had cleared it. On Thursday, Pentagon officials said they doubted any ships would be sent to the Black Sea." Rice arrives in Tbilisi with peace plan for Georgia and Russia "Georgia to UN: Stop Russia's ethnic cleansing immediately; Bush accuses Russia of 'bullying' in Georgia." Fleeing the Georgian Conflict "Justyna Mielnikiewicz discusses her photographs of Georgians from who have fled the conflict zones."

Musharraf. Musharraf 'will not resign' "A spokesman for Pakistan's President Musharraf denies reports that the former general has already agreed to step down." Pakistan's Musharraf said ready to quit "Coalition government official says President seeking immunity from prosecution for imposing emergency rule." Pakistan's Musharraf may resign within days to avoid impeachment "As the drive to impeach Musharraf gains momentum, Pakistan's leader is expected to step down and leave on his own terms rather than face humiliation."

Zimbabwe. Zimbabwe hopes hinge on regional Africa meeting "The Zimbabwe political impasse will top the agenda of the Southern African Development Community. Botswana threatens to boycott if Robert Mugabe attends as Zimbabwe's president." Zimbabwe opposition leaders in S. Africa for talks "Zimbabwe's opposition leaders are in South Africa for talks with regional leaders on the eve of a summit expected to focus on their country's political crisis."

Paraguay. Ex-bishop, advocate for poor, will take Paraguay's helm "The commander had a simple message: Disperse immediately or the riot police would scatter everyone with water cannons, tear gas and truncheons. The man who was leading 10,000 protesters and blocking the dirt roadway didn't flinch, however. On Friday, that man, Fernando Lugo, a former Roman Catholic bishop, will be inaugurated as Paraguay's president."

Philippines. In Mindanao, Philippine troops regain control of villages "Moro Islamic Liberation Front fighters had claimed the villages were part of a Muslim homeland the government had agreed to establish."

Editorial. Rick Warren in '08 "Why are megachurch and pastor co-hosting a campaign event?" Where's the Trauma and the Grief? "There was no disguising the emotional resilience of the people in a village in China's Sichuan Province, an area hit hard by the earthquake."