Crazy for Justice | Sojourners

Crazy for Justice

This Training for Change conference was a good experience, one that I did not expect and that challenged me deeply. One of the tools we practiced was learning to tell our personal stories to build relationships with each other. I'm not very good at that, and I have a hard time finding the desire to open up to strangers.

But the more the ideas of "relationships" and "stories" were drilled in, the more they became real to me. I began to see the passion and the honesty in all of the other conference goers, which surprised me because I didn't know that there were people so willing and determined to create change in this society. It was very inspiring, and I was happy to get to know a great bunch of people. And the people who work for Sojo are crazy...about justice.

Donna Almendrala just graduated from UC Berkeley in May 2008 with a degree in Chemical Biology. She is currently looking for an outlet that will blend her science background and desire for social justice.