The Afternoon News: Tuesday Nov. 15, 2011 | Sojourners

The Afternoon News: Tuesday Nov. 15, 2011

The Afternoon News
The Afternoon News

THE WASHINGTON POST: Trumka: Organized Labor Will Continue Standing With Evicted Protesters
An interesting move here from AFL-CIO chief Richard Trumka, who is going out with an email to his list today strongly standing by the protesters who were evicted from Zuccotti Park

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YORKSHIRE POST (UK): Sentamu Hits Out At Greed Culture Of Fat Cats
The Archbishop of York has urged the Government to introduce a radical overhaul of the tax system and called for greed to be made as socially unacceptable as racism and homophobia. Dr John Sentamu claimed many of the wealthiest in society are avoiding paying their dues in a stinging attack on the growing divide between Britain’s rich and poor.

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THE HUFFINGTON POST: Does Immigration Fuel Crime? Without Statistical Consensus, Rhetoric And Fear Reign In Debate
The border town of El Paso, Texas is considered to be the safest big city in the country, according to some estimates. With a sizable undocumented population and immediate proximity to Ciudad Juarez, Mexico, known for drug cartel violence, El Paso's relative tranquility has baffled many, especially those who equate undocumented immigration with increased rates of violent crimes.

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THE HUFFINGTON POST: Occupying History
This is real, this social/economic justice revolt. You who are in the streets and occupying the visible places are repeating a history that has been forced on mankind many, many times by the greedy and addicted to power. You play out history now, as the arc of history has always been played. The end is always greater liberty and justice, bled for by and crafted for the people. Surrender any doubt. You are right. You will win and grace the annals of human history with your efforts.

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VOICE OF AMERICA: Faith Plays Role In Occupy Wall Street Sense Of Morality
Next we traveled to Washington’s old Tivoli Theater, to the offices of Sojourners. Tim King, the communications director, visited the original Occupy Wall Street site in New York, and says the movement has changed the way Americans view social justice issues.

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THINK PROGRESS: Immigrants And English Acquisition
Wonks are usually more comfortable talking about economics than culture, but in my experience, an awful lot of grassroots concern about immigration focuses more on the soft cultural factors.

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THE DAILY KOS: People Reject National Banks, Want To Go Local
Would you prefer to keep your money in an account at a major national bank, or a local financial institution? Major national bank 17%; Local financial institution 67%

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THE NEW YORK TIMES: On the Rise in Alabama (OPINION)
Alabama’s ruling class has dug in against the storm it caused with the nation’s most oppressive immigration law. Some of the law’s provisions have been blocked in federal court; others won’t take effect until next year. But many Alabamans aren’t waiting for things to get worse or for the uncertain possibility of judicial relief or legislative retreat. They are moving to protect themselves, and summoning the tactics of a civil rights struggle now half a century old.

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TIME: Why the Religious Right Can’t Seem to Get the Candidate It Wants
Was it just a month ago that religious conservatives were busy trying to stir up concerns about Mormonism and rally evangelicals behind Rick Perry? At the time, it looked like Perry’s slide in the polls could be reversed and his debate performances improved. Since then, however, his support has cratered–and if Perry can come back from his latest squirm-o-rific moment, he should change his name to Lazarus.

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THE WASHINGTON POST (ON FAITH): A New Battle For Religious Freedom?
Is religious freedom under attack in this country? This week, the leaders of the U.S. Roman Catholic Church will make their strongest case in perhaps decades that the religious, conservative Christians in particular, are under attack.

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MOTHER JONES: Keystone XL Is Delayed—So Where's The Oil Going Now?
Enviros were, understandably, quite pleased by last week's announcement that they Keystone XL pipeline has been indefinitely delayed. The Obama administration hasn't outright rejected it, but it is punting the decision to at least the end of 2012, pending further assessment of its environmental impact. But many see this as a significant victory for US environmentalists.

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CNN: Is Rick Perry’s Zero Foreign Aid Plan Feasible? Desirable? (OPINION)
Rick Perry claims that if elected president he would scrap foreign aid. While I believe such a plan might be good for poor people around the world because it could reduce dependence on the U.S. and promote third-world growth and democratization, I also think ending foreign aid is against the interests of U.S. voters.

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Jack Palmer is a communications assistant at Sojourners.