Stop motion animator PES demonstrates the art of making fresh guacamole with some of the most unlikely, food resembling objects. [Junk Culture]
As spring training is underway for Major League Baseball players, one pitcher is back in his element, singing Adele between pitches. [Buzz Feed]
There’s nothing quite like combining the old with the new. Speaking of which, if you just got one of those fancy new iPad 3’s, why not dress it up with a vintage sweater jacket? [Finders&Keepers / Etsy]
The Shins have been fairly quiet the past five years, but with a highly anticipated album releasing soon, they’ve been appearing on radio stations, butter commercials, and now an hour-long exclusive web concert. [NPR]
Five ways Law & Order: Special Victims Unit has ruined my life. [Hello Giggles]
Brooklyn violin maker documents his story as a craftsman and musician. Take a look at this wonderfully shot documentary, “The Violin Maker.” [The World’s Best Ever]
Joshua Witchger is an online assistant at Sojourners. Read more from Joshua on his blog, hail fellow well met.
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