The Japanese dance crew Wrecking Crew Orchestra show some pretty impressive synchronization with glowing light suits. [Colossal]
Mad Men + Sesame Street: A mashup you won’t want to miss. [Flavorwire]
Mr. Rogers’ real-life neighbor, MTV producer Benjamin Wagner, will release a documentary film later this month titled, Mister Rogers & Me. Wagner journeys to talk with Rogers’ friends, colleagues, and admirers, sharing a story of love and simplicity. [Mister Rogers and Me]
Ben & Jerry’s in the UK will be changing one of its flavors to support equal marriage rights for same sex couples. The new flavor is called “Apple-y Ever After.” [Pink News]
Electric bikes may become the new method of travel, as seen at the 2012 SXSW "Green Zone." [GOOD]
Earlier this week we ran a link to a few middle-schoolers playing dueling banjos… well, now you can hear it performed on two electriclly-energizing tesla coils. [Motherboard]
Joshua Witchger is an online assistant at Sojourners. Read more from Joshua on his blog, hail fellow well met.
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