Improv Everywhere plays a prank during a fake TED talk after the classic “Mac spinning ball” pauses the slideshow presentation. [Improv Everywhere]
It just doesn’t get much better than seeing Darth Vader take laps around a parking lot on a unicycle while playing the theme to Star Wars on the bagpipes.
Fill your quota for weird/ cute animal fun with this clip of two little pigs chasing a dog around the family living room. [The Daily What]
“You get nothing! Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory is given a little remix.
If you’re unfamiliar with Rube Goldberg machines, allow this cute kid to teach you a thing or two. [OHYST]
And lastly, take a look at these adorable and incredibly talented brothers as they rock the folk out to “dueling banjos.” [OHYST]
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