Afternoon Links of Awesomeness: July 19, 2012 | Sojourners

Afternoon Links of Awesomeness: July 19, 2012

“Five guys + one piano” is a fascinating video of what is possible with one piano and a little creativity. [Mashable]

Photographer Donna Ferrato’s new project ‘I am Unbeatable’ chronicles her 30 year career documenting and helping battered women. Take a look at her photo collection that celebrates women escaping violence and finding new life. [NY Times]

A record breaking drought hit Texas last year, and harsh conditions counting to plague the U.S. Take a look at this interactive map charting U.S. drought from January 2011 to the present. [NPR]

Comedic stars Will Ferrell and Zach Galifianakis announce the starting lineup for the Chicago Cubs, in their signature humorous way. [Huffington Post

The player piano gets a virtual update, and now it taking requests live on Twitter. [Adafruit Industries]

Now wine glasses come with fill levels so you can run your finger around the edge and play pitch perfect songs. [Foodiggity]

I’m not too much for cat links, but when they cross paths with Star Wars I’m interested. Here’s a collection of Star Wars scenes where the heads have been swapped with cats. [ICHCB]

The Mirror is one man’s journey from childhood to adulthood to an elderly state, all shown from the setting of one room. Take a look at the short film that has earned a handful of notable awards. [Laughing Squid]

Joshua Witchger is an online assistant at Sojourners.

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