Afternoon Links of Awesomeness: July 17, 2012 | Sojourners

Afternoon Links of Awesomeness: July 17, 2012

There’s a new app out for the SAX MAN. And in case you’re not familiar, the sax man is a traveling phenomenon who takes his classic “mullet and leather pants” look into various public locations, playing a George Michael tune to the enjoyment (and resentment) of many. [Saxagrams]

Graham Hill is the drummer for the indie pop bands Beach House and The Papercuts, but he also releases his own music. Take a listen to his newest track “Mighty Love,” which is available for free download. [GOOD]

One Detroit resident golfed the entire eighteen mile stretch of the city, encountering some interesting people, crumbling architecture, and finishing at a total of 2,525 strokes. And there’s a video to go along with it. [GOOD]

Orange County surfers take some goats out to ride the waves. [BuzzFeed]

Tom Waits narrates a stunning six minute film on the world class artist John Baldessari. [NPR

With thousands of wine corks and plenty of ambition, Grand Rapids artist Scott Gundersen makes large scale portraits with an incredibly underused medium. [Colossal]

Joshua Witchger is an online assistant at Sojourners.

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