Afternoon Links of Awesomeness: Jan. 27, 2012 | Sojourners

Afternoon Links of Awesomeness: Jan. 27, 2012

The Ultimate Way to Begin Your Weekend: a tribute to the best music of the 90s played on the melodica. [Benny the Jukebox]

A camel predicts the Giants to win the Super Bowl. That’s right, a New Jersey zoo has a tradition of letting a camel predict the result of football games – and so far its proved quite successful: it correctly guessed the winner for 5 of the last 6 Super Bowls, and is 14 in 20 for this season’s playoff games. [Huffington Post]

Toronto high school students launch a LEGO person into space, and with a camera attached to the weather balloon, you can see it soar high above the earth. [Geekosystem]

Ever tried eating while playing X Box 360? It’s difficult. See Ben Heck’s instructions for mounting a hot pocket holder onto your game controller. [Revision3]

How long will it take you to notice what’s wrong with this wedding invitation? [The Daily What]

It doesn’t get much funnier than this: animals finding their way into photos they weren’t supposed to be in. Take a look at a humorous collection of 25 animal photobombs. [Huffington Post]

Like to be the most well-red person in the room? So do Carrie and Fred in this classic Portlandia sketch, but look out! Pride comes before the fall.

Discover a nice afternoon pick-me-up by downloading a free track from Matisyahu covering Bob Marley, live at the Boulder Theater. Read lyrics to “Heathen” here. [TopSpin]

A large turkey breaks into a public library in Deadwood, South Dakota, and is chased for 20 minutes by police officers. [Huffington Post]

Read an insightful, thought-provoking piece on a Jewish deconstruction of George Lucas’ Star Wars films. [Tablet]

And… the first installment of FRIDAY’S HIGH-FIVE: A collection of five of our favorite songs released this week.

Have a great weekend!

FRIDAY'S HIGH FIVE: Jan. 27, 2012 by josh on Grooveshark

Joshua Witchger is an online assistant at Sojourners. Follow him at hail fellow well met.