Are you more excited about the advertisements than the football? Then check out ten of the funniest Super Bowl commercials from years past. [Mashable]
INFOGRAPH: An interesting look into some of the statistics of Super Bowl spending. From the costs of advertising to catering private parties, this is a huge day for American spending. [Buzzfeed]
Brush up on your ping pong skills with lessons from this baby, who’s pretty good!
Radio Tanzania is a new kickstarter project aiming to revive the spirit of African radio in the 1970s, by archiving and distributing cultural artifacts dear to the indigenous music and social movement. [GOOD]
Leonard Cohen’s Old Ideas is a raw, earthy look into the life of one of the most poignant living songwriters. The album is spiritual and perceptive, haunting and alluring. [NPR]
Denison Witmer released a new single, “Brooklyn with Your Highest Wall,” taken from his forthcoming LP The Ones Who Wait, to be released in early March. This is Witmer’s ninth studio album, featuring guest appearances by Rosie Thomas, The Innocence Mission, and more. [Paste]
Recently, Fleet Foxes drummer J. Tillman announced he was leaving the band, but will continue to further his solo career under the name Father John Misty. This week he released the track, “Hollywood Forever Cemetery Sings,” which is a creepy but fascinating look at commercialism and loss. [Sub Pop]
Joshua Witchger is an online assistant at Sojourners. Follow him at hail fellow well met.
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