Afternoon Links of Awesomeness: April 13, 2012 | Sojourners

Afternoon Links of Awesomeness: April 13, 2012

The acclaimed television series LOST is adapted for a half-hour sitcom.

Coachella is one of the largest music festivals in the country, and if you aren’t traveling to California to see it this year, YouTube’s got you covered, they’re streaming it all weekend long. [Coachella on YouTube]

And in more music news… tomorrow, 17 musicians will be inducted into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame in Cleveland, Ohio. Read who’ll be there, and why Axl Rose won’t be attending. [Billboard]

A playable Star Wars organ made out of LEGOS is unveiled in Germany. [Lorenz Lnggrtnr]

An art installation called “Waves,” generates movement with an elastic rope to create an incredible interactive sculpture. [The Creators Project]

Take a look at some classis ways to make graphics with a typewriter, from this 1948 issue of Popular Mechanics. [Retronaut]

45 lesser-known signs of the apocalypse. [Team Coco]

Joshua Witchger is an online assistant at Sojourners.