The U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops is urging Congress to vote on immigration reform before the August recess without delay, saying that the time has long since come to enact major changes to America's immigration system and help suffering families that are being split apart by the current policies.

"Our strength as a nation is drawn from our diversity and the unique talents of persons from around the world. Under our current immigration system, we weaken our country, not strengthen it. By not acting, we alienate a generation of young persons, who are the future leaders of our country. We are saying "we do not want you or your families," Archbishop Thomas Wenski of Miami , who is part of the USCCB's Committee on Migration, said in a statement Thursday...

The bishops' comments follow that of Sojourners President Jim Wallis who called on House Speaker John Boehner earlier this week to make both a moral and a biblical choice on immigration reform and allow the vote before the August recess.