It's been a ponderous spring: cool, wet and utterly forgettable. No kidding, Paul. The drought is fading fast, lawns are green, lakes brimming with (chilly) water. "That's all well and good, but am I going to be able to strip down to shorts, apply sunscreen and pretend it's May this holiday weekend?"
Next question please…
The Bible Calls for Moral Action on Climate Change. Here's the introduction of an Op-Ed from Jim Wallis at "To ignore climate change is to abuse the moral call to care for the environment, and generations to come will suffer. Some of the most inspiring words in the entire Bible are found in the opening pages of Genesis. Here we are told that humans were created in God’s image and given a divine mandate to care for Creation (Gen. 1:26-31). Our vocation—our calling—is to partner with God in preserving and sustaining the earth with all the creatures and species that God has made. The word used in most translations is “dominion,” and the true meaning is what we would today call “stewardship...”