Source: Christianity Today - Books & Culture | Darren Dochuk
Testing the establishment in religious history, he identifies evangelicalism's influence in unexpected places, invites a generous reading of its past as synergistic with the times, trades tired narratives for life-giving curiosities, and begs scholars for fresh inquiry of recent days.
Source: Englewood Review Of Books | Jess O. Hale
A wind is blowing through many lands in our world and many are finding this wind to be renewing or at least refreshing.
Source: Time Magazine (online) | Jim Wallis
In order to truly defeat ISIS, we must reduce our dependence on fossil fuels.
Source: Christianity Today | Ed Stetzer
Yesterday, I spoke at the Sojourners Summit at Georgetown University in Washington D.C. It's a diverse gathering focused on engaging the faith community in different aspects community engagement and service.
Source: Huffington Post | Jim Wallis
When Baltimore Ravens running back Ray Rice was suspended for only two games for beating his fiancée (now wife), it became a dramatic public example of the lack of accountability for professional athletes.
Source: Theology in the Vineyard | Ted Schmidt
The marvelous pastor and founder of Sojourners Magazine in Washington Jim Wallis struck a deep chord when he said about meetings in parishes: If they are not connected to a movement outside they are wasting their time. It’s like navel gazing.
Source: Bread For The World | Stephen Padre
We are hearing of war and rumors of war yet again as a gruesome story develops over ISIS, the Islamic State in Iraq and Syria.
Source: Religion News Service | Linda Garrett
(RNS) In the face of an imploding immigration system, an exploding political debate and a deadlock on reform in Washington, it was religious leaders who rallied to form a humanitarian response to the surge of unaccompanied children crossing the border to the United States this summer.
Source: Christian Post | Jessica Martinez
U2 rock band leader, Bono, once wrote a poem for Billy Graham after visiting the retired evangelist in his home in the mountains of western North Carolina.
Source: Christian Post | Napp Nazworth
The political stalemates between Republicans and Democrats on Capitol Hill stood in stark contrast to the shared vision on how to address poverty recently expressed by Jim Wallis and Arthur Brooks at an American Enterprise Institute event.
Source: The Blaze | Billy Hallowell
It’s no secret that U2 frontman Bono is a Bible-believing Christian — but what some might not know is that the musician is friends with famed evangelist Billy Graham.
Source: | Michael Chapman
U2 frontman, investor, and philanthropist Bono, who isn’t shy about discussing his Christian faith, wrote a poem in honor of evangelist preacher Billy Graham that describes Bono’s relationship with Jesus as a “journey from Father to friend,” and how he learned of this through “the voice of a preacher,” Graham, “that gave my life a Rhyme.”
Source: National Catholic Reporter | Donna Schaper
We are six days out from the People’s Climate March, and the ark is built and on its flatbed truck on its way to Manhattan.
Source: Huffington Post | Antonia Blumberg
Billy Graham has had many high-profile friends over the years, and among them is U2 frontman and international rockstar Bono.
Source: Time Magazine (online) | Jim Wallis

I was in South Africa on August 9, when a young, unarmed black man was killed by a white police officer in Ferguson, MO. It didn’t take long before Michael Brown’s story was on all the news channels in South Africa. After that, in every media interview I did Ferguson came up. “How could this have happened?” all the journalists asked. When I laid out the pattern of this happening regularly to men of color in America at the hands of white police or other men with guns, they were stunned. “White cops couldn’t get away with that anymore in South Africa,” they said.

Source: Huffington Post | Jim Wallis
That was a bumper sticker Sojourners published at the outset of the Iraq war more than a decade ago. American church leaders had not only opposed the war but offered an alternative: "An Alternative to War for Defeating Saddam Hussein, A Religious Initiative." We not only presented it to Colin Powell's personal council and Tony Blair, but also printed full-page ads in every major British newspaper the day before their Parliamentary debate and vote on the war. The U.K.'s Secretary of State for International Affairs, Clair Short, told me the only real alternative on the table in their Cabinet meetings was "The American church leaders' plan," which, she said, was seriously discussed.
Source: Christian Post | Michael Gryboski
Pastors Mark Dever of Capitol Hill Baptist Church in Washington, D.C. and Christopher Brooks, head of Evangel Ministries in Detroit, say congregations must uphold their biblical responsibilities as members of the church by creating a "culture of accountability" for their pastors and church leaders.
Source: Decode DC | Andrea Seabrook
On this week's DecodeDC podcast, host Andrea Seabrook talks to three experts about a deceptively simple question: What responsibility does the U.S. have, if any, to respond to ISIS?
Source: Rome News-Tribune | Kenneth Fuller
After the shooting death of Trayvon Martin, I read a letter from the Rev. Jim Wallis titled “Lament from a White Father.” In it, he stated that he is convinced that if his 14-year-old son Luke had left the house, on the same day, dressed exactly as was Trayvon Martin, to walk to the store in the same neighborhood, he would have come home to his mom and dad that night unharmed.
Source: Huffington Post | Jim Wallis
In a township called Khayelitsha, a woman wakes well before dawn to catch a bus that will carry her to the beautiful home in Cape Town where her employer/boss/master wants his tea in bed by 7 a.m. That is what "post-apartheid" South Africa still looks like today.