Just as in the US, Australia is becoming polarised between right and left. Some Christians, though, want to be both faithful and support social justice. Indeed, they feel commanded to pursue both. And they still believe they can. The Washington-based group called Sojourners has long bridged this divide.

Sojourners is a progressive monthly magazine and daily online publication of the American Christian social justice organisation whose executive director, Adam Taylor, spoke to Eternity on a recent visit to Australia.

Before joining Sojourners, Taylor led the Faith Initiative at the World Bank Group and served as Vice President of Advocacy at World Vision US. He is also an ordained Baptist minister.

We asked him if he came here to stop talking about President Donald Trump under whose leadership America’s political polarities have moved even further apart.

“I actually did an event with Tim Costello last night at a church with pastors and a lot of the questions revolved around Trump and what’s happening the United States, what’s happening with the church, so in some ways there’s no escaping him,” Taylor says.
