"To use anger politically, especially by turning people against other people, is one of the worst sins in politics, and both Cruz and Trump are doing that."

Jim Wallis, progressive Evangelical activist, president and founder of Sojourners, and author of America's Original Sin: Racism, White Privilege, and the Bridge to a New America (Brazos Press, 2016), tells his own story of leaving and returning to the church over the issue of segregation and calls on white Christians to lead the way to ending white supremacy.

Wallis says white Christians "have a problem with whiteness" as an ideology, saying, "It’s time for white Christians to be more Christian than white."

"When people take ideology to the Bible, the Bible ends up reflecting their ideology, more than changing it. So I say don’t go left, don’t go right – go deeper. How do we let those scriptures change us? And we don’t often see that in the White Christian world that hasn’t really dealt with its own whiteness."