There's a new kind of language being used around the Iran nuclear deal recently negotiated in Vienna. We can call it "Trump Talk," defined as a drumbeat of outrageous political speech that is historically inaccurate, intellectually dishonest and even deceptive, morally and spiritually offensive and willfully tone deaf.
If politicians are letting one person trump the tone of politics, just to go up in the polls or get on the debate stage, that's very bad news for our nation's civil discourse.
It certainly isn't serious talk. Serious talk is "Hard work." "Difficult negotiations." "Competing interests." "Coalitions and diplomacy." Serious talk recognizes that no agreement, no matter how diligently negotiated, is perfect.
Iran is an enemy -- an enemy of America, an enemy of Israel and an enemy of peace. I believe that. But you need to find ways to make peace with your enemies in order to reduce potential conflict. Choosing war with our enemies as our first option since 9/11 has just made us more enemies.
The question is: What should we do about Iran?