Source: Christian Post | Samuel Smith
The National Coalition to Abolish the Death Penalty announced on Tuesday the launch of a new coalition uniting human rights organizations, religious groups, and pro-liberty advocacy groups to pressure state governments to put an end to capital punishment.
The coalition, which has up to 15 national partnering organizations, is named the "90 Million Strong" campaign, which signifies the 33 percent of Americans, according to Gallup polls, who say they oppose the death penalty.
With only 28 states and the District of Columbia not currently using the death penalty, and seven states carrying out the death penalty in 2014, the coalition aims to fully mobilize the "90 million" Americans to lobby state-by-state to get the other states that still actively use the death penalty to halt what they claim are "unfair" and immoral practices.
Included in joining the coalition as national partners are various faith-based groups such as the Christian social justice organization Sojourners, Catholic Mobilizing Network and the General Board of Church & Society of The United Methodist Church.
Speaking at the press conference announcing the coalition's launch, Jim Wallis, the president and founder of Sojourners, said that opposition to the death penalty is not a political stance, but rather a stance of Christian morality that can easily cross political boundaries.
Although many think of the conservative right as supporters of capital punishment, Wallis believes that many conservative Christians are starting to signify their opposition to death penalty because capital punishment conflicts with the Biblical teachings.