Missio Alliance just posted the audio files from their North American gathering held in Alexandria, VA last May. You can find them in the Resources section of their website: www.missioalliance.org. I cannot recommend this resource highly enough, & I thought I’d take this opportunity to post a few thoughts about what I experienced at this gathering.

It has been years since I have gone to a seminar or conference—really any wider gathering of Christians—without experience that square-peg feeling. I realize this says more about me than about the groups that sponsored the gatherings. Still, it has seemed like my love affair with Post-liberal and Missional theologies had put me at odds with many evangelicals, while my persistent evangelicalism has made me feel out of step with many progressives.


Lisa Sharon Harper from Sojourners, knocked my socks off in the very first workshop I attended. Nikki Toyama-Szeto from IJM was on her game in that same session as well. You can purchase all of the workshops, including theirs, in two bundles online here: Bundle 01, Bundle 02. Efrem Smith had the headlining spot on the first night. It was my first time to hear Efram speak, and I’m so glad to have found this prophetic voice. The first night ended with a short concert by the Royal Priesthood, the young adult choir from the Alfred Street Baptist Church. It was a fitting way to end the day.