It’s been a tough year for America’s progressive faith community.
The religious left in this country is a racially and theologically diverse contingent of people who see social justice and progressive social values as an important part of their faith practice. The movement traces its legacy back to the Civil Rights Era and to the development of liberation theology ― the idea that people of faith must always stand up for the poor, oppressed, and marginalized of society.

“We’ve Got A Month Until Inauguration Day. Here’s What We Can Do Right Now” by Jim Wallis
Jim Wallis, founder of the faith-based advocacy organization and magazine Sojourners, gives progressive people of faith a simple answer to what they need to do over the next four years: “Stand up and defend those most at risk at this crucial moment in America’s political history. “
How exactly to go about that is a bit more complicated. Wallis goes on to give three recommendations.