Sojourners 50th Anniversary

We are launching the public phase of our 50th Anniversary Campaign, Building the Faithful Future: The Next 50 Years. As we advance the faithful future, we are looking to build on Sojourners’ 50 years of inspiring, equipping, and mobilizing people like you – people of faith and conscience – to put faith into action for social justice and peace.

Donate to Our 50th Anniversary Campaign

Your support will provide Sojourners with a stronger foundation as we advance our mission of putting faith in action for social justice and peace.


Sojourners’ 50th Anniversary Campaign is a unique opportunity to provide the foundation that Sojourners needs to build movement leadership, strengthen financial sustainability, and invest in our infrastructure, which will be critical to expanding our voice and impact.

As we look ahead to the next 50 years, we believe it is imperative to renew the concept of the Beloved Community — the moral vision at the heart of the civil rights movement, which sought dignity and justice for all. Sojourners will harness our experience, credibility, growing infrastructure, media reach, and partners to offer a broader vision for the church and our country, one that can help bridge our divides, protect our democracy., and advance justice and peace in the world.

With your generous support, we can meet our funding goals for our 50th Anniversary Campaign, outlined below.

Fund Details

Sojourners’ 50th Anniversary Campaign aims to advance our work through the following funding goals:

1. Strengthen our Fellowship Program

Sojourners has provided leadership, spiritual, and professional development for more than 300 young adults through our year-long fellowship program. These young adults have gone on to be change agents in the church, their communities, the United States, and the world.

Fundamental to Sojourners’ mission is our commitment to prepare future generations to strengthen their prophetic voice, theological depth, imagination, and leadership capacity so the movement for faith-rooted social justice continues to flourish. Now, more than ever, we believe that leadership development rooted in faith, justice, compassion, service, and community is necessary for our society’s thriving and flourishing.

“In 1985 I joined the very first Sojourners intern program — as a 33-year-old responding to a call in Sojourners magazine — to be part of a community where I might be able to live and work and worship as if they were all connected. It was, no contest, the most formative year of my life. We were a band of strangers called by this same notion, but such very different people. And of course, that is the work of building community. Lots of struggles and challenges but outweighed by joys and growth.”
- Barbara Ryan, Cycle 1 fellowship alum

2. Develop Innovative Technology Solutions

Sojourners seeks your support to enable us to improve our communications infrastructure and expand our technological reach.

In our crowded media landscape, we need the most up-to-date technology to feature videos, photo galleries, and audio content, in addition to top-notch writing, to tell compelling stories.

Your support will help us host webinars, create and distribute podcasts and short films, and bring together leaders and nonprofits, strengthening the collective work of Sojourners and our partners.

With your support, Sojourners can create multimedia-rich, immersive, and interactive stories. Our goal is to create narratives that turn facts and statistics into compelling messages that inform and move people to action.

“This campaign will enable us to improve our ability to produce and distribute content on a mass scale, accelerate our mobilizing efforts, and strengthen the work on the ground with state-of-the-art digital resources.”
- Christian Smutherman, multimedia director, Sojourners

3. Retire the Debt on Our Office Building

With your generous support, Sojourners relocated our office headquarters to give us easy access to the U.S. Capitol. This has given us the capacity to increase our presence and impact on Congress and our nation’s politics, providing a voice that is both prophetic and pastoral.

Our vision is to offer a home for convening, equipping, and empowering activists, influencers, and decision makers — a place for developing and resourcing impactful movement leadership.

"Having a centralized location close to the U.S. Capitol has been wonderful for the faith and justice community and team building of our staff, and it gives us a space to offer hospitality and training for campaigns taking place in the heart of our city. Being debt free would allow us to continue investing in the people and stories we want to lift up, while also giving us an opportunity to start investing more in ways to make our building more energy efficient and sustainable."
- Krystal Brewer, office manager, Sojourners

4. Ensure the Sustainability of Sojourners Magazine and Digital Content

Sojourners magazine is the backbone of our work, reaching thousands of clergy and faith leaders and exposing new audiences to the important justice work that our faith requires. Sojourners covers the liberating work of the church, countering messages of hate and injustice. Sojourners magazine offers an ongoing and critical platform to spread the gospel message of spiritual renewal and justice and to inspire and equip Christians to put their faith into action.

These are precarious times for the magazine industry and news organizations, as print subscriptions decline and the costs of printing and delivery increase. Your support will enable us to shore up and strengthen the print magazine — featuring a diverse set of theologians, essayists, journalists, and artists — and enhance our journalism and writer development on, reaching a larger, younger, more diverse audience with our message.

"For more than 50 years, Sojourners has been the unrivaled voice for Christians who are committed to social justice. Its commentaries and reporting are required reading for progressives who want to live out their faith. Today, Sojourners is positioned to speak to and for a whole new generation of believers who are rejecting Christian nationalism."
- Amy Sullivan, journalist, author, and Sojourners board member

50th Anniversary Campaign Opportunities

$50 - Friendship Level
  • 50th Anniversary Lapel Pin
$250 - Advocate Level
  • SOJO t-shirt
  • 50th Anniversary Lapel Pin
$500 - Partner Level
  • Autographed copy of A More Perfect Union by Adam Russell Taylor
  • SOJO t-shirt
  • 50th Anniversary Lapel Pin
$1,000 - Change-Maker Level
  • Name listed in the Change-Maker section of the “Wall of Honor” in the Sojourners office
  • Autographed copy of A More Perfect Union by Adam Russell Taylor
  • SOJO t-shirt
  • 50th Anniversary Lapel Pin
$10,000 - Movement-Builder Level
  • Name listed in the Movement-Builder section of the "Wall of Honor" in the Sojourners office
  • Autographed copy of A More Perfect Union by Adam Russell Taylor
  • SOJO t-shirt
  • 50th Anniversary Lapel Pin
$25,000 - Founders’ Level
  • Name listed in the Founders' section of the "Wall of Honor" in the Sojourners office
  • Autographed copy of A More Perfect Union by Adam Russell Taylor
  • SOJO t-shirt
  • 50th Anniversary Lapel Pin

A Word of Gratitude

Dear Friends,

We are incredibly grateful for the Sojourners donors who have invested generously in our movement in the past, and we thank you for your prayerful consideration of this request for support.

If you have any questions about our 50th Anniversary campaign “Building the Faithful Future: The Next 50 Years,” please do not hesitate to reach out.

We are grateful for your support of Sojourners as we build the faithful future together.

Thank you,

Adwoa Rey
Chief Advancement Officer (202) 328-8842 |