
Douglas Kmiec 4-15-2010
It is far too easy to blame the highly publicized priestly scandal for the alienation of Catholics in Europe or the United States.
Jessica Coblentz 4-05-2010
"What if the resurrection was a choice?"

Kathy Khang 3-23-2010
Tiger & Elin. Jon & Kate. Deadly Viper and some angry Asian Americans.

Kathy Khang 2-23-2010
Would you be interested in getting to know someone if all you knew about her was what she didn't do?

LaVonne Neff 2-17-2010

Fifteen years ago next week, on my mother's 85th birthday and exactly one week before Ash Wednesday, my father died.

Sondra Haaga 1-27-2010

America, dominating the global economy, imports more goods than it exports. What is less tangible, but possibly more important, is how America exports its values to a rapidly interconnecting global society.

Multiple Authors 12-30-2009
On November 20, 2009, to considerable media fanfare, a group of 140 senior Christian leaders issued 'The Manhattan Declaration.' In brief, it calls fo
I was saddened by our president's acceptance speech for the Nobel Peace Prize. He missed a chance to witness to courage and leadership. True, Mr.
Jarrod McKenna 11-10-2009
[continued from part 1] Philosopher Emmanuel Levinas reminds us that "the other" is not an object for us to control but a
Ryan Rodrick Beiler 11-09-2009
People who do diversity work run the risk of setting impossible goals for themselves: The Beloved Community. The Kingdom of God.
Soong-Chan Rah 11-04-2009
An open letter to Zondervan and to Mike Foster and Jud Wilhite, authors of Deadly Viper Character Assassin: A Kung Fu Survival Guide for Life and Leadership.

Diana Butler Bass 9-29-2009

ABC's Nightline has been running a series on the Ten Commandments in which they explore the issues and dimensions of each commandment in contemporary society.

Cathleen Falsani 9-28-2009
If there had been a way to power-wash my brain, I would have done it.

Mark Van Steenwyk 9-28-2009

My 1.5 year old son Jonas broke his first law last month.

Just peace theory is the middle way between pacifism and just war theory. It recognizes the moral force of nonviolence and the goal of a world that solves its disputes through nonviolent means.
Ben White 9-11-2009
The decision by Scottish Justice Secretary Kenny MacAskill to release on compassionate grounds the convicted Lockerbie bomber Abdelbaset Ali al-Megrahi has been ferociously and strongly condemned i
Edward Gilbreath 8-13-2009
It has now been a couple of weeks since President Obama convened what was infamously dubbed the "Beer Summit." You know the story by n

A white woman is raped by a black man in North Carolina. During the assault, she studies his face, determined to bring him to justice. She later identifies a suspect both in photos and in-person line-ups. Only she's wrong.