
Diana Butler Bass 10-11-2006
I confess: Over the last 10 days, I did not pay much attention to the Amish school shooting. As the mother of an 8-year old girl, I find school violence stories too painful to follow.

Robert Roth 6-01-2006
At its best the church is an "innocence project" for ourselves and others.
Wayne A. Holst 5-01-2002

During the mid-1960s, traditional forms of private confession seemed to disappear abruptly from Roman Catholic practice, according to James O'Toole, associate professor of history at Boston College.

The last time Jake saw his mother, he spit on her.
Robert Jewett 11-01-1998
A biblical reflection on public lies.
Joyce Hollyday 1-01-1987

The sun was about to slip behind a grove of Ponderosa pines, the sweet-smelling bark of which tinged the air with a scent like butterscotch.

Dave Schrock-Shenk 8-01-1986

Repentance and Forgiveness in the Philippines

Daniel Berrigan 8-01-1986

Came an offer, cutting a four months slice
out of my whole grain life
Would I voyage to the Colombian jungle, the Argentine waters,
to advise and consent (to differ, raise mild hell)
in uneasy consonance--
to assemble a scattered myth
the bare bones of the heroic dead?

Who could tell if their spirit escaped
split skulls, rent bodies, tempest and travail
to haunt our history, advise, consent, raise holy hell
in the misspent, misshapen world,
edgy, sputtering, intent on dealing
the knockout blow