
Jon Zens 7-14-2010
Certainly one of the most puzzling remarks in Paul's writings is found in 1 Timothy 2:15, "But women will be saved through
Justin Fung 7-14-2010
A couple of months ago, the MetaFilter weblog community came together to rescue a couple of young Russian women from the clutches of a http://blog.
Nontando Hadebe 7-14-2010

The World Cup eclipsed our lives in South Africa as we witnessed four weeks of unbelievable soccer and celebration. Instead of basking in the glory of the tournament and reflecting on a way forward, xenophobic violence has once again reared its head.

Aaron Taylor 7-13-2010
Fatu was 25 years old when her father and his two sons burned her to death. Her crime was converting to Christianity in a Muslim land.
Brian McLaren 7-12-2010
Here are some of my favorite women writers of spirituality and theology in no particular order with short comments on why I recommend them.

Eugene Cho 7-08-2010

Everyone needs to read this.

Every Christian needs to read this.

Every Christian, pastor, leader, community organizer, and influencer needs to read this.

Randy Woodley 7-07-2010
At the same time oil is spewing from the ocean floor in the Gulf of Mexico, some politicians are already calling for more drilling, accompanied
Justin Fung 7-01-2010
As a musician, I'm always interested in seeing how my fellow creative types respond to injustice or need.
Sara VanScoy 6-30-2010
In this month's issue of Sojourners, Anne Eggebroten's article "The P
Pearl Maria Barros 6-23-2010
While discerning a vocation to Roman Catholic religious life years ago, I had the opportunity to go on retreat with a group of women religious.
Nadia Bolz-Weber 6-09-2010
Hans Peterson, a good friend of mine, died two months ago in a work-related accident.
I've always longed to see the world through a poet's eyes -- to see the magical in the everyday and to be able to weave words in such a way as to convey that magic to others.
Ernesto Tinajero 6-07-2010
God calls on us to meditate on God and God's word. However, does the fast intake of information from TV, film, and especially the Internet make us less likely to experience God?
Julie Clawson 6-04-2010
The day after we here in the U.S. paused to remember the men and women who had died fighting for our country, the fight continued from beyond the grave.
Justin Fung 6-03-2010
"Spill" sounds so innocuous, doesn't it?
Ernesto Tinajero 6-01-2010
There are long stories and short stories. Stories that people in a hundred years will be talking about, and stories that will fade in a few months.