
Lisa Sowle Cahill 6-01-2010

At the end of life, how can people of faith prepare for a good death?

Tony Campolo 5-26-2010
To make a difference for good in this world a person has to have a sense of place. But few of us have such a sense. We are a people on the move.
Nadia Bolz-Weber 5-24-2010
All the Christian archetypes were already in place on the very first day.

Julie Polter 5-17-2010

Kirkus Reviews calls Sara Zarr's third young adult novel,

Becky Garrison 5-17-2010

I had the recent pleasure of seeing Max McLean's deliciously wicked portrayal of Screwtape in The Screwtape Letters currently playing at the Westside Theater in New York City. By employing some sound and lighting effects, this production gave a contemporary spin on C.S. Lewis' classic tale of a quest to slowly guide a man into hell.

This hymn-prayer was written in response to the ongoing oil spill from the Deepwater Horizon offshore drilling rig that started on April 20th.
Usually when Mother's Day comes, we think of the women in our lives who nurture, teach, rear, and comfort us.
Diana Butler Bass 5-04-2010
In the 1990s, I taught history and theology at an evangelical college, a place where the students were serious young Christians.
Tefi Ma'ake 5-03-2010
One of the best gifts I received when I finished grad school was a book called http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/0805086587?ie=UTF8&tag=sojo_blog-20&lin...
Jim Wallis 4-30-2010
Under the sweeping arches of the Washington National Cathedral, we celebrated the life of Dr.
Don lived for years in the Chicago area, working hard and trying to keep up with the fast pace of his profession.
Steve Holt 4-23-2010
"To believe is human, to doubt divine."

Kathy Khang 4-22-2010
It has mattered for my soul.
Julie Clawson 4-16-2010
I was filling out an application recently and was asked to write a short statement on my "personal faith pilgrimage." I grew up in the Christian world, and so have had to write out my testimony
Christine Sine 4-13-2010
I have never been as conscious of the incredible hope of the Easter message as I have been this last Easter.
Ruth Hawley-Lowry 4-12-2010
This week is a confluence of anniversaries. April 7 was the 16th anniversary of the genocide in Rwanda where more than 800,000 died in a few days.