
Efrem Smith 4-30-2009
In this clip, Pastor Efrem preaches from the book of Proverbs, specifically chapters 10-18, in which there is a contrast made between the righteous person and the wicked person.
Jim Wallis 1-22-2009

It's a better country than I thought it was. I honestly wouldn't have thought this possible. I guess I would have agreed with the older generation of African Americans in my neighborhood: This day would never come in our lifetimes-but here it is.

Jeannie Choi 11-21-2008

The word "plastic" means "anything which can be easily shaped or sculpted" (actually, an even older meaning is "sculptor")

Jason Evans 11-17-2008

The day after Thanksgiving, thousands of Americans head for the shopping malls for a ritual known as Black Friday, called such as it's a day when many retailers move from the red (losses) into the black (gains).

Black Friday is "celebrated" nationwide by working off Thanksgiving's meal by shopping. Over a decade ago another celebration was started on the same day: Buy Nothing Day.

Jim Wallis 9-30-2008

We are all familiar with the crazy-looking street preacher in some public square haranguing every passerby with a message of doom and gloom while holding up a sign that reads, "Repent, the end is near!"

Ride the Curl Jesus is cool again! He rides a motorcycle, plays soccer and football, enjoys the occasional rodeo—plus, he surfs!

Steve Thorngate 4-01-2006

A few years ago, the “postmodern memoir” or “autobiographic novel” was all the rage among critics anxious to define new literary genres.

Julie Polter 11-01-2000

I confess: I was a catalog girl who grew up to be a catalog woman.

Tom Sine 9-01-2000

21st Century global marketers are more seductive than ever before. And they want your kids.

Rose Marie Berger 9-01-2000

Some thoughts on sowing the mustard seed.