
Thanks to Sojourners supporters and our partners, there is a full page ad in Politico today asking Congress, "What Would Jesus

Eugene Cho 2-03-2011
Hi everyone. I'm currently in Washington, D.C.
Lillian Daniel 1-21-2011
People tend to approach each New Year with optimism, but the latest news about unemployment was not particularly encouraging.
Theresa Cho 1-05-2011
"Deborah was a prophet, the wife of Lappidoth. She was judge over Israel at that time. She held court under Deborah's palm between Ramah and Bethel in the hills of Ephraim.
Sheldon Good 1-04-2011
Sunday school. It was one of the main reasons I enjoyed church as a child. As a young adult, it sometimes still is. But there's a conversation brewing: Does Sunday school have a future?
Sheldon Good 12-02-2010
This Advent season, "waiting" has new meaning for hundreds of thousands of undocumented immigrant students.
A few years ago, a bunch of activist-types and a bunch of prayer-warriors got together to create a prayer book with the goal of bringing together the Bible and the newspaper.
Becky Garrison 11-15-2010
How are we to respond as people of faith to the recent revelation that more than 66,000 civilians have died in our two wars?
My wife Sarah and I recently moved to Baltimore and are knee-deep in that time-honored tradition of relocation: church shopping.
This hymn can be a helpful one for churches seeking to support the relief efforts in Pakistan.

Frank Fredericks 8-04-2010
In a unanimous vote yesterday New York City's historic landmarks commission voted to withhold historic protection from the downtown building slated to become a Muslim community center (called Park5
Simon Greer 7-27-2010
This spring, we saw an opportunity to join the efforts of Rev.
Jim Wallis 3-10-2010

Glenn Beck says Christians should leave churches that use the word "social justice." He says social justice is a code word for communism and Nazism.


I'll tell you up front -- I'm going to talk about race. I know some are tired of hearing about it, and I think that's mainly because we've been hearing about it in the same ways for so long.

Catherine Cuellar 11-11-2009

For those who came to the Justice Revival's free opening night program (featuring former United Methodist District Superintendent and Texas State House Rep. Dr.

Jim Wallis 11-03-2009

Every day churches across the country respond to the economic crisis by supporting families in need, assisting those in search of a job, and reaching out to people on the back streets of America.

Victoria Hicks 10-20-2009

"It's time."

"Dallas needs this."

Those are the two statements Aaron Graham (Sojourners' Justice Revival Coordinator) and I heard over and over again as we visited pastors and other community leaders all over the city, lifting up the vision of a Dallas Justice Revival.