
Eugene Cho 5-27-2009
Did you read the news of Liberty University (founded by the lat
Jim Wallis 5-22-2009
I'm in Germany at the biannual Kirchentag festival of faith of the German churches, so I missed the news and analysis of President Barack Obama and former Vice President Dick Cheney's spee
Aaron Taylor 5-22-2009
Despite the repeated attempts of former President George W.
Jim Wallis 5-18-2009
Two days, in comparison to years of conflict, is not a lot of time, but it was long enough for a broad spectrum of Christian leaders to find hope in a growing consensus around a way forward for pea
Brian McLaren 5-01-2009
Too many white evangelicals stand for torture, according to a recent Pew Forum study reported by<
Eugene Cho 4-20-2009
Ministry has its up and downs. Such is life.
Alan Bean 4-17-2009

NPR's Wade Goodwyn has been working on this story ever since he attended the premier of the film American Violet at St. Mary's Catholic Church in Hearne, Texas, three weeks ago.

Edward Gilbreath 4-07-2009
Well, March Madness is now over.
Cesar Baldelomar 4-03-2009
Jesus, who was a Palestinian Jew living under Roman occupation, preached a message that was anti-state and religious imperialism.
Aaron Taylor 3-27-2009
As I write this post, I'm sitting in a hotel room in Eugene, Oregon waiting for the Society for Pentecostal Studies conference to start. It's nice to have a day to myself.
Tony Campolo 3-24-2009

When it comes to President Obama's stimulus package and its provisions to help those Americans who are having great difficulty paying their home mortgages, I have come to realize that I'm like the older brother in the story of the Prodigal Son.

Tony Campolo 3-13-2009
Rick Warren, the most prominent evangelical pastor of our day, has established a highly successful program arranging teams from his church to help specific villages in Africa.
Barby Zuniga Ward 2-26-2009
Most of my life I have been thinking about race and religion -- as a child when my family left my native Costa Rica to move to inner-city New Jersey, as a teenager struggling to develop my faith an
Barry Clemson 2-04-2009

Peace actions often evoke disgust, anger, and fear from the uninvolved bystander. Epithets are hurled at the demonstrators, with coward and traitor perhaps the favorites. Why should advocating peace evoke fear from the bystander?

Matthew Hildreth 2-03-2009
Even in our current political climate, as President Obama demands" href=""">
J. Daryl Byler 1-27-2009
I began a fast for peace when Israeli troops entered the Gaza Strip. Last week, I ended the fast, as fighting has stopped and most if not all the troops have left Gaza.

Lynne Hybels 1-15-2009
In 2001, my husband Bill was jolted out of racial complacency.
Kathryn Stanley 1-15-2009
As my mother and I prepare to "Thelma and Louise-it" to travel to Washington for the Obama inauguration, my excitement is tempered with anxiety.