
Aaron Taylor 8-23-2010
In the film "Dead Man Walking", shortly before Matthew Poncelet (played by Sean Penn) is executed, there's a scene where Poncelet confesses his crime of rape and murder.
Christine Sine 7-19-2010
The other day, I got together with a pastor friend who is feeling discouraged and overwhelmed by the extent of the Gulf oil spill and his inability
Kurt Willems 7-02-2010
I want to start out this post with two huge disclaimers: What I am about to write may sound radical or irrational to some.
Jim Wallis 7-01-2010
Several months ago, I was invited to speak at Lifest, a Christian festival in Wisconsin with more than 100 musicians and 50 speakers that
Sara VanScoy 6-30-2010
In this month's issue of Sojourners, Anne Eggebroten's article "The P
Mimi Haddad 6-22-2010

How many of us come from traditions where we have been told that women cannot serve in positions of leadership because Jesus was male?

Troy Jackson 6-21-2010
Last Monday evening, a massive storm front hit southwestern Ohio.
Aaron Taylor 5-25-2010
In March, I wrote a piece praising the Biblical character Boaz for showing compassion to Ruth, w
Eugene Cho 5-20-2010

I know that there are many of you that are engaging, debating, learning, and wrestling with the issue known to most as immigration reform or known to others as, "What the Arizona?" And these debates and discussion will continue with more and more incidents like

Kim Bobo 5-19-2010
Yesterday, I read through psalm after psalm searching for the "right" one to read at the opening of the
Tony Campolo 5-19-2010

I recently returned from a speaking engagement at the Bethlehem Bible College; and what I witnessed firsthand sent chills up my back. Listening to the horror stories told to me by oppressed Palestinians elicited feelings ranging from indignation to compassion.

Julie Clawson 5-18-2010
Last week at her blog, Rachel Held Evans proposed the question "What is the Gospel?" She received some interesting responses, dem
Jim Wallis 5-10-2010
Yesterday I heard one of the best Mother's Day sermons I can remember. It was by the pastor at our family's church, Rev. Jeff Haggray of First Baptist Church in Washington, D.C.

Charlton Breen 5-10-2010
Psalm 94 is not my psalm, and perhaps it's not yours either. Psalm 8; Psalm 23; Psalm 100. They get a lot of air time because they really speak to us.