
Tony Campolo 5-19-2010

I recently returned from a speaking engagement at the Bethlehem Bible College; and what I witnessed firsthand sent chills up my back. Listening to the horror stories told to me by oppressed Palestinians elicited feelings ranging from indignation to compassion.

Julie Clawson 5-18-2010
Last week at her blog, Rachel Held Evans proposed the question "What is the Gospel?" She received some interesting responses, dem
Becky Garrison 5-17-2010

I had the recent pleasure of seeing Max McLean's deliciously wicked portrayal of Screwtape in The Screwtape Letters currently playing at the Westside Theater in New York City. By employing some sound and lighting effects, this production gave a contemporary spin on C.S. Lewis' classic tale of a quest to slowly guide a man into hell.

Jimmy McCarty 5-12-2010
It wasn't that long ago that the state of Arizona did not recognize, in fact went out of its way to criticize, the celebration of Martin Luther King Jr. Day.
Jim Wallis 5-10-2010
Yesterday I heard one of the best Mother's Day sermons I can remember. It was by the pastor at our family's church, Rev. Jeff Haggray of First Baptist Church in Washington, D.C.

Rebecca Curtin 5-10-2010
Last month, at the height of the media coverage of the most recent sex abuse crisis, Father Francis Clooney, a professor at Harvard Divinity School and Director of the Center for the Study of Wor
Maryada Vallet 5-07-2010
"When we met the young lady in Nogales, the daddy in me wanted to take her to a safe place.
Jim Wallis 5-06-2010
After Glenn Beck said "social justice is a perversion of the gospel" and a "code" for Marxism, communism, and Nazism, I invited him to a public dialogue to discuss the true meaning of social justic
Brian McLaren 5-06-2010
I'm in Kenya with a group of about 150 emerging leaders from across East and South Africa.
Diana Butler Bass 5-04-2010
In the 1990s, I taught history and theology at an evangelical college, a place where the students were serious young Christians.
Justin Fung 4-30-2010

It'd be nice if enacting a law would solve the problem, wouldn't it?

Crissy Brooks 4-30-2010
Recently I turned to a conservative, white businessman friend to get some insight into how immigrants enhance our culture.
Tracey Bianchi 4-28-2010
Yikes. It has been a long month, and it is technically not over yet. Green jargon and advertising every place your eyes dare to settle.
Crissy Brooks 4-28-2010
When I was in second grade handball was all the rage. We played it with big red rubber balls against backboards on the playground.
Gary M. Burge 4-26-2010

Bethlehem, West Bank. Evangelicals have never been keen on political protests. Especially the sort that includes rifles and grenades -- in the hands of your opponents.

Ian Danley 4-26-2010
Why do you always forget us? Why do you forsake us so long?