This Month's Cover

Sojourners Magazine: June 1994

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Cover Story

Try to imagine civil rights marches without the spirituals or South African freedom without toi-toi.
"Postmodernism" is a weird term.
I'm jealous of countries or regions that have a popular culture.
"Multiculturalism" is a popular culture term used by certain people of color and white people.
The most successful method of resistance among the Maya in Mexico and Central America from the time of the Spanish conquest in the 15th century has been the transmission of religious and cultural
Under what conditions do pop culture images and icons hold a liberating function?
Two very distinct types of culture exist, and both are active forces in our society today.
Our daughter Lydia attends a public Waldorf school.
R.E.M.'s Michael Stipe on political mockery.
I hope we are vigilant to resist making careers out of the most fashionable terminology at hand. We must keep in mind why we are committed to a new humanity.
What's faith got to do with it?
The reclamation of Chicano artistic life that came out of the movements of the 1960s has provided the images and symbols that fuel the Latino community's struggle to find itself.
God created and saw that it was good. But since then things have been more ambiguous.
"The only game in town?" C’mon, Dave! You don’t really want to give all that away, do ya’? Didn’t that Palestinian peasant come saying, "A new game is at hand"?
Many of my comrades regard Mozart as another dead white male who wrote dainty, high-priced irrelevancies. It's true that rural peasants had another music.
Mozart's Enlightenment was for men; women minded the children and washed the socks. That offends and angers me, but it troubles me too.
Real culture is a form of resistance. It's the music or art of communities. It affirms a particular reality.


At a recent Washington, D.C.
Many of us would say, if we were to be honest, that we think NBA basketball is of a higher ilk than monster-truck pulls.
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According to many political pundits—Left, Right, and Center—the era of battles over expanding opportunities and rights—be they civil, equal, or other—is nearly over. Over the
You might not like the Religious Right’s answers. But, on the subject of health reform, they at least ask some of the right questions.


Thirty years after Mississippi Freedom Summer, 3,000 international observers return from El Salvador’s postwar "democratic elections."
We gathered in the courtyard outside the First United Methodist Church in Brevard, North Carolina, just about dusk on Good Friday.
A dream came to me. It was the mid-1990s. Most unusual things began to happen...
This issue of Sojourners marks a significant breakthrough in paper technology.
For salad lovers this is a heady time of year with more greens around than a person can shake a salad fork at.
Summer campfires and sing-alongs aside, the history of God's people is written twice: Once in documents beginning with the Torah and the Bible, and simultaneously in the music passed from family

Culture Watch

The journey through grief.
Merton's conversational flavor is best embodied by a series of lectures now available through Creedence Cassettes.
Happy 10th, Utne Reader! It’s hard to believe I’ve seen that little perfect-bound mag tucked under friends’ arms for a decade now.
The continuing influence of Thomas Merton
Strategies for confronting the powers.


The saint descended From her carriage to stretch Her forefinger to a peasant girl Whose face was covered with sores;
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Comic Books, the Terminator movies, the blues, and the baseball season opener.
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The scriptures for our meditations come from first and second Samuel, the Psalms, the gospel according to Mark, and Paul’s second letter to the Corinthians.
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Genesis House ministers to women in prostitution
Worship at the Heart: The PAX Community Celebrates 25 Years
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