Chuck Collins is author of The Wealth Hoarders: How Billionaires Pay Millions to Hide Trillions. He is director of the Program on Inequality and the Common Good at the Institute for Policy Studies, where he co-edits

Posts By This Author

Jubilee for Wall Street?

by Chuck Collins 09-24-2008

The Bush administration believes this should be a "time of Jubilee" for Wall Street speculators, a time of debt forgiveness. But the current proposal would only place additional debt shackles on the next generation.

A Problem of Riches

by Chuck Collins 09-01-2008

Why concentrated wealth and the growing gap between the rich and the rest of us are not only bad for our economy but threaten democracy itself.

Portraits of the Near Poor

by Chuck Collins 02-01-2008

The gospel calls us to a “preferential option for the poor” to address the conditions of the 37 million adults and children who live in poverty in the United States.

Wal-Mart Goes to School

by Chuck Collins, by Felice Yeskel 04-01-2006
The Walton empire gets political.

The Shame Deficit

by Chuck Collins 04-01-2005
No tax cuts during wartime.

Life on the Edge

by Chuck Collins 09-01-2004
More than four decades ago,

More than four decades ago, Michael Harrington held a mirror up to America’s self-image of affluence with his searing picture of poverty, The Other America. Harrington’s book was read widely—by President John Kennedy, among others—and fueled the moral and intellectual resolve behind

Shrink, Shift, Shaft

by Chuck Collins 04-01-2004

Bush's tax policy is aimed at drastically reducing government services and moving the tax burden to poorer wage-earners. The result: a case of "trickle-down injustice."

Tax the Rich?

William Gates Sr.—whose son is Microsoft founder Bill Gates—joins with co-author Chuck Collins to argue that the wealthiest among us have an obligation to pay their fair share.

Restoring Labor's Voice

by Chuck Collins 01-01-2000
A movement for a fair economy.

And the Rich Get Richer

by Chuck Collins 11-01-1999

Who benefits from the tax cuts? (Hint: Not you.)